FM Gallery First Meme Contest Winners

M Space News
FM Gallery
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2021

Thank you all for participating in the Meme Contest! We’re impressed by all of the amazing memes created by our talented community. As we said, the first 100 qualified participants will share the 5000$FMG reward pool and the top 5 memes will have more rewards.

After a thorough review by our team, we have the list of 100 winners as well as the selected top 5 winners among the 100.

Considering the high gas fee on Ethereum for our users when claiming their rewards, we’ll be distributing rewards through BSC network directly to the wallet address you provided.

In order to connect to the BSC network and check your rewards, please follow the instructions below. You can also check out this tutorial for detailed information on connecting to BSC network and exchanging FMG on BSC.

(1)If you already have BSC network

Step 1:Find Metamask in your browser extension, and select “Binance Smart Chain Mainnet”

Step 2: Add FMG token in your wallet to see the rewards

FMG BSC contract address: 0x72A167C9783b7d4fFf91d43A60e00D25957A50f8

(2)If you don’t have BSC network

Step 1:Go to our websit

Step 2:Click “Connect” on the upper right corner

Step 3:Click “Metamask”

Step 4:A Metamask notification will ask you to add the BSC network, click “Approve” to continue

Step 5:Click “Swich network” and switch to the BSC network,follow the instruction and create your Binance network account. After you finish, you could change to Binance network directly on Metamask.

Step 6:After you connect, the icon next to your wallet address on the upper right corner will show “BEP20” which means you have successfully connected to BSC network.

Step 7: Add FMG token in your wallet to see the rewards

FMG BSC contract address: 0x72A167C9783b7d4fFf91d43A60e00D25957A50f8

About FM Gallery

FM Gallery is a blockchain-based distribution platform for NFT artworks. We strive to empower the world of arts and fashion with innovative art fragments as well as autonomous fan communities. With blockchain technology, an artwork can be divided into several fragments. Each fragment, represented by an NFT, contains a unique art story. By collecting fragments, users are able to complete the artwork and redeem the completed NFT for physical artworks. Collaborating with top artists, galleries and auction houses around the world, we will continue to release physical and virtual crypto artworks on our blockchain.

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