Road to Taiwan

Terence Lam
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2018



Good news. From March to July 2019, we will join AppWorks Accelerator in Taiwan, one of the Asia’s leading startup accelerators which focuses on blockchain/AI. Demo Day will be on 5 June 2019.

Although we are a startup from Hong Kong, most of our audiences are from the US, Europe and Korea due to our involvement in Cosmos community. We believe joining AppWorks will give us a good access to other Asian markets.

By the way, application for AppWorks Accelerator will be closed on 2 Jan 2019. Click here to apply. We look forward to learning from other blockchain buddies 🙂

Layman’s analogy

To help more people to understand the relationship of internet of blockchains, Cosmos Hub, ForboleChain, etc, I have written this layman’s analogy. You need no technical knowledge to understand this revolution!

Bear market

I have witnessed (and was deeply affected by) the up and down of financial market since the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 (when I was 15 y/o). Crypto market is just another reflection of human’s greed and fear. This inspired me to write “boom, doom and boom“.


Before we go to Taiwan, we will complete a small private crowdfundraiser in Jan/Feb 2019 which is a hybrid of SAFE and future Desmo Token. Feel free to take a look at the initial distribution. I will send the revised deck to selected audiences after New Year.

Our dual-tokens model will be an interesting experiment. We want to create a decentralized solution for social networks using bonding/relationship (and hence the name “Desmo”) and evidence/transparency (and hence the name “Phanero”). I invite you to join our Telegram and follow our Medium to keep posted.

Wish you a very happy New Year 🙂

Originally published at on December 28, 2018.

