Mail Order Marriage Statistics Every Single Person Should Know

Lauren Welch
Foreign wife finder
8 min readApr 18, 2024

Are you looking for statistics on mail order bride marriage? Learn more about mail order bride industry in numbers and official data.

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Mail Order Bride Statistics: Are Such Marriages Successful?

In our increasingly interconnected world, the concept of finding love overseas is gaining momentum. One facet of this phenomenon is the rise of international mail order marriages.Far from antiquated, these unions are modern relationships facilitated by digital platforms. These platforms aim to connect individuals across continents, fostering cross-cultural exchanges.

This article delves into various mail order marriage statistics, providing insights into the prevalence, success rates, and misconceptions surrounding these marriages.

Mail Order Bride Marriages Worldwide: Success Rate

On average, the mail order bride success rate varies by around 10 to 20 percent. Overall, the mail order bride divorce rate is somewhere between 5–15%. Taking the infographics from various mail order brides websites and agencies into account, 100,000 to 150,000 users sign up on such platforms each year. Approximately 4% of women (~6000 people) successfully meet a partner and move in with him. However, a substantial number of young single women can`t meet a respectable husband in their countries, so they prefer to do that abroad.

Ladies who are lucky to meet a beloved person and marry him tend to spend years next to them. The statistics say that 80% of mail order bride marriages last more than one year, which is twice more successful than families created in a traditional way. According to the official data, people who marry at the age of 20–25 years have a 40% — 60% chance that this marriage will end in a divorce, while the situation with second marriages is really whopping — over 75%.

Another mail order bride marriage statistics survey on a similar service obtained 206 responses from around 600 American men. These participants generally originate from European countries. They are financially secure and professional in their work-related activities, holding a prestigious degree.

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International marriages statistics around the globe

First of all, questions such as do mail order marriages exist are frequently asked due to misconceptions surrounding the term. The term ‘mail order’ is a figurative expression, indicating that these unions are facilitated by matchmaking platforms rather than literally ‘ordering’ a bride.

In essence, mail order marriages involve individuals who meet and build relationships through these platforms, eventually leading to marriage.

The diversity and scope of these unions are illustrated in the following key figures and insights:

  1. In the United States, the blending of cultures is particularly visible within the domain of matrimony. Statistics on mail order bride marriage reveal that in 2019, approximately 20,000 K-1 visa petitions, more commonly known as ‘fiancé visas’, were filed. These visas primarily originated from the Philippines, Vietnam, and the Dominican Republic. Alongside this, mail order marriage statistics showed that over 5,000 visas were issued to mail order brides, highlighting the significant proportion of international marriages.
  2. According to the United Nations’ reports, around 13% of all married women aged 20–49 in Western Europe were born in a different country. In Australia, the percentage of such women is as high as 27%. 
  3. Turning towards Europe, countries such as Sweden and Belgium see a large percentage of marriages occurring between individuals of different nationalities, with a significant number being mail order marriages.
  4. In Asia, South Korea and Japan also exhibit a rise in international marriages, including mail order marriages. Japan has witnessed a significant number of international marriages. These peaked in the early 2000s, with more than 40,000 international unions recorded per year. A considerable portion of these were international mail order marriages.

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Interestingly, how many mail order marriages end in divorce is another frequent inquiry. While specific figures vary across different regions, studies suggest that the divorce rate of mail order bride marriages tends to be comparable to, or even slightly lower than, the average divorce rate in the respective countries.

These statistics underscore the impact of globalization on the institution of marriage. They highlight the growing acceptance and prevalence of multicultural unions, hinting at an increasingly interconnected and globalized world.

Who are traditional members of mail order bride sites

One of the most popular questions asked by people willing to know more about the mail order bride industry is who joins such platforms. According to mail order bride statistics,between 2014 and 2018, the average bride’s age is 20–30 years. It is confirmed by data that over 4,500 K-1 visas were issued for women of this age, while there were only around 1,800 ladies aged between 30 and 40 among applicants too. 70% of these women are employed, and 8% of them are students.

When it comes to grooms, they may come in different age groups, but mainly these are men in their 40s — 50s who look for younger wife. The average age of a groom to sponsor K-1 visa holders is 42 years. 60% of such husbands-to-be are white, and mainly, they’re either employed or retired individuals.

How Many Mail Order Marriages End In Divorce

Families created with the help of dating sites can be successful, but unfortunately, there is no guarantee for that. Therefore, divorces do happen, but the tendency is more optimistic than with people who meet each other in a traditional way.

Yet, statistically, a marriage with a mail order bride has more chances to last than overall marriages in the US. The mail order dating period usually lasts for about 4–5 months, and the divorce rate is between 32.6 and 43.3 percent, while a regular marriage has almost 50 percent.

This is a general statistics on mail order bride marriage since the probability of divorce grows proportionally to the time spent by the couple with each other. Only 20% of families can’t survive the first year of marriage, while some sources say that this statistical data can be applied to all mail order bride marriages despite their durability. It means that the divorce rate in such families can be twice lower than the average number in the USA.

Most Widespread Countries for Dating And Marriage

While it is possible to find a mail order bride from any country, there are a select few countries where a large number of brides arrive from every year. These include most East-Asian countries (China, Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc.), some Slavic countries like Russia, Ukraine, and some Eastern European countries like Poland, Georgia, etc.

The Philippines in particular, encompasses an enormous number of the listings from Asia. Even though the bride order services have been outlawed in the country since the mid-1980s. Along with the other common Asian countries brides, there has been a recent uprise in mail order brides originating from Slavic countries like Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.  According to the governmental source, over 200k ladies left the country between 1989 and 2004 to become finances for foreign grooms.

In another survey conducted, emails sent out to around a hundred mail order platforms found out that girls from Russia were the most likely to get married to American men. The percentage varied from website to website, but around ten to forty percent of successful orders on the website were for Russian brides. Probably, the main reason for that is an abundance of single Russian ladies willing to marry a foreigner since some agencies report about over 25k new girls’ profiles registered each year.

Filipino marriage to Western men is also common using mail order dating platforms. It is estimated that around 10 percent of all marriages between Filipino women and Western men occur due to such platforms. This should show to the large extent at which such services are used!

Ukraine is one more popular country when it comes to overseas brides. Every 15th marriage registered there is international, and local girls prefer to look for husbands mainly in European countries, the USA, and Canada. For example, in 2017, Ukraine took the 12th place among countries for K-1 visa issuances in the USA, with over 700 ladies arriving for marriage there. In 2020, this number was over 860 according to mail order brides Ukraine statistics too.

Do mail order sites still exist?

Other than the obvious fact that these sites exist due to demand, there are a couple of reasons why such platforms are booming in recent times. One of the reasons is because of the increasing income gap that is present in third-world countries. These women are using dating platforms to find a rich partner who will treat them well. These women can leave the endless cycle of poverty they have experienced for most of their lives.

Another reason why mail order sites are becoming increasingly popular is due to the increasing urbanization of modern life. It is harder than ever to find a partner in places unless you commit time to go on social activities. Mail order brides are a good solution to that problem. This is because it reduces the time commitment a man needs to find his soulmate.

How many people use such services regularly?

It is a common conception that mail order bride services are used by very few men who are desperate. Today, it is easy to dispel that notion with all the statistics provided by the services and from polls. For instance, did you know that over 10,000 marriages a year are recorded by men using the service and women who are registered with the platform? 10,000 is an extremely large number that most people don’t expect.

Also, most platforms have a plethora of women waiting at their disposal. Some sites showcase over 450 gorgeous Russian women in their portfolio. Certain agencies report that they often serve over a thousand different men searching for a bride each month. Each person using such platforms pays about 200$ each month for services, so you can see how much such agencies make.

Around 2700 mail order services operate around the world, with the majority of them sporting an online presence. This is according to an article published about the increasing popularity of such agencies.. This might help paint a picture of how prevalent these services are in the world.


In brief summary, mail order bride agencies are much bigger than most people expect. They also provide a variety of services that the average person might not be aware of. The increasing popularity of such services can be attributed to a multitude of reasons.

Firstly, most lives in modern society tend to be hectic. This makes it more difficult to find meaningful time to establish connections and relationships. Secondly, these platforms are also a way for women who are in strife conditions to escape their lives. They can move in with a partner who cares for them.

Mail order bride services exist to help men who do not have the ability or time to go out and socialize. Hopefully, the stigma of using dating agencies to find matches erodes over time. In any case, you should go out there and use these services if you need them, and make sure that you are living your best life!

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