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Foresight Matters
Monthly articles and How To’s on applying foresight tools and methods to your practice
Note from the editor

IFTF Foresight Essentials strives to provide everyone the right tools and techniques for embracing strategic foresight, navigating large-scale change, and leading others towards a vibrant future. We release weekly articles under the tags “Foresight Community”, “Foresight Methods”, “Foresight Tools”, and “Foresight Lessons.”

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IFTF Foresight Essentials
Weekly articles and how to's on applying foresight tools and methods to your practice from Institute for the Future. iftf.org/foresightessentials
Go to the profile of Institute For The Future
Institute For The Future
Institute for the Future | nonprofit with 53 years of foresight research #EquitableFutures #StrategicForesight #UniversalBasicAssets #FuturesThinking
Go to the profile of Institute For The Future
Institute For The Future
Institute for the Future | nonprofit with 53 years of foresight research #EquitableFutures #StrategicForesight #UniversalBasicAssets #FuturesThinking
Go to the profile of IFTF Foresight Essentials
IFTF Foresight Essentials
Weekly articles and how to's on applying foresight tools and methods to your practice from Institute for the Future. iftf.org/foresightessentials