Foresting MeetUp — “Focusing on Value Up”

Jahongir Gulomov
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2019

Foresting HQ revealed new features of its platform and the updated roadmap for 2019 at the Meetup called “Focusing on Value Up” on January 17.

Daniel Eom, CEO of Foresting HQ

The long-awaited event took place at the same venue — DeCentre Blockchain Cafe in Gangnam, Seoul where the last year’s meetup was held. It is the first meetup of this year and the event included the Q&A session with the participants.

In this seminar, the audience had a chance to hear about 2018 achievements, and platform development status. In particular, the closed beta version of the Foresting platform has been unveiled.

Daniel Eom, CEO of Foresting HQ, demonstrated the closed beta version platform on the stage and talked about platform development status, plans for the self-profit model.

The Foresting CEO also mentioned,

I prepared for the meetup with full of passion and enthusiasm. And I expect more support and collaboration from you. We all look forward to the official launch of the platform in 2019.

