Introducing The World’s First Health Data Bank: Forever

Adenugba Blessing
Forever Today
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2022

Forever is not just another Move2Earn project hype in Web3.

Forever M2E Competition

Forever is building the world’s first health data bank, with the team planning to release the Forever App and hold its first fitness step competition on May 15th.

Forever’s objective is to build a platform that tracks health data- call it a google search engine for health data- on Web 3; while motivating people to live a healthier lifestyle. It is built around the Move2Earn model.

Forever: Just Another Move2Earn Project Hype?

Forever is not just another Move2Earn project hype in Web3. The real solution it brings to Web3 is the in-depth level solution- building a google search engine for health data.

How do we ensure we do not lose track of our health data? How do we ensure we own this data and decide with whom we share them? How do we ensure our health data is not owned and controlled by private companies? Is there a way to own our data and give permission, at will, to third parties that might need it? Forever is the answer to these questions.

Forever noticed some problems with current health data collection and sharing: people are not in control of their data, big tech companies are into data farming and data sharing of users without their express permission, and no platform, at present, can holistically analyze health data without compromising the identity of users. Hence, Forever is building a secure health data bank that empowers individuals to own and control their health data. To fully understand how Forever intends to address this burgeoning challenge, there is a need to examine the current health data dilemma that has and is stifling development in the medical space.

The Current Health Data Dilemmas

The two prominent health data dilemmas are: Lack of Access to Quality Health Data for Research and Lack of Trust In Data Collection Companies/ Organizations

  1. Lack of Access to Quality Health Data for Research.

In a survey conducted by Fierce Healthcare, 53% of the 100 executives surveyed concluded that poor data quality undermines their ability to make effective decisions. It also impacts their ability to identify gaps in care, meet quality metrics and optimize the revenue cycle.

The dearth and inaccessibility to health data serve as a limitation to enhancing diagnostic and quality treatment. It inhibits innovation, stifles new treatment alternatives, and limits our understanding of diseases. Presently, it is highly impossible to utilize Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to analyze high-quality human health data to unravel the biology of diseases and open up new frontiers to prevention and cure.

The question now is, how can we, without engaging in unethical data farming, get humans to willingly share their data?

The answer is to normalize the collection of quality health data from wearables and sensors. These wearables and sensors will collect biological, physiological, or behavioural data and digitally stream this for analysis to provide insights. Quality health data collected through these means is beneficial to all in the long term since it aids medical research and brings about revolutionary medical discoveries.

Will people be willing to share their health data?

Forever’s Move2Earn model answers this question. The model will use smart contracts to automate incentives given to users. This way, people are motivated to engage in fitness activities which will, in turn, lead to a healthier lifestyle. Forever’s Move2Earn model will ensure that people are incentivized when they engage in data collection and health data sharing activities. Forever’s first fitness competition between Miami x New York city commences on May 15th, get in here.

2. Lack of Trust In Data Collection Companies/Organizations

The trust people have in health data collection initiatives has waned due to the lack of transparency and controllability of data release. Data collected by wearables and interfaces (including brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), fitness trackers, and eye-tracking technologies) are hoarded and misused by private companies/organizations. With no direct access and control of their health data, people cannot determine how their data is shared amongst third parties. Due to this issue of trust, people are reluctant to share their health data.

Forever will solve the trust dilemma by streaming people’s health data, from their wearables and sensors, directly to their Web3 blockchain wallet, allowing algorithms to analyze collected data holistically. The streaming of health data to personal wallets is achievable through the compute-to-data model. The compute-to-data model ensures anonymity in that, rather than sending streamed data to algorithms for analysis the algorithm runs where the data is- inside your Forever Web3 wallet.

Through this, people’s health data are secured and their identities protected. Forever and any third-party organization isn’t privy to the streamed health data unless permitted by the wallet custodian. With permission, data shared is stripped of all identifying metrics that may compromise the identity of the wallet custodian. Such metrics are name, location, age, IP address, and cookie identifiers. With this solution in place, people no longer need to trust the big tech to secure their health data as their health data will be with them wherever they go, so long they have access to the Forever App where their data is stored and analyzed.

Will people earn if they choose to share their data?

Yes. Forever will build a data marketplace where researchers, students, and organizations who need data for research will come to purchase health data from people. This is Forever’s Share2Earn model, automated by smart contracts, where people are incentivized to share their health data for rewards.

Forever is on a mission to build the world’s first health data tracking on Web3. Join us in building the first google search engine for health data.




