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Forge.AI — Fueling Machine Intelligence
Forge.AI — Fueling Machine Intelligence
Fuel for intelligent machines
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Forge.AI featured on Forbes

“I See Data” — Forge.AI Mines The World’s Unstructured Data

Forge was recently featured on Forbes, read the original article here.

Introducing Forge.AI’s Journal Club

At Forge.AI, we’re using the r/forgeai_journal_club subreddit to keep track of papers that we find particularly interesting relating to AI, ML, NLP, and Statistics. These papers are not necessarily related to current projects at Forge.AI. In addition to posting…

Takeaways from the TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018

By Brandon Mckinzie

At Forge.AI, we develop capabilities for transforming unstructured streams of data into a structured format consumable by other AI systems. Tensorflow is one of the principal toolkits we use in developing…

The Future of Artificial Intelligence Will Be Fueled by Unstructured Data

By James Crowley — CEO, Forge.AI

This article was originally published on BostInno in their “AI in Boston” series.