Press the button.

Joey Cofone
Founding Baron Fig
2 min readJun 23, 2015


#11 • Stories & Lessons of Founding Baron Fig

“This is it,” I said to no one.

It was 5:49 in the morning, I was sitting in front of the Kickstarter campaign dashboard with my cursor over a little green button that said “Launch.” Clicking that button would start me on the most fulfilling journey of my life: creating our company, Baron Fig.

I had never launched a product on Kickstarter. Until just a few months before I had never designed a physical product or built a company around it. This was the first time I wrote copy that wasn’t for my own personal use. It was the first time I had people trust a vision that only I could fully see.

I’m a subscriber to the idea that you’re always and never ready. I felt both completely unprepared and absolutely certain I could handle it.

The morning was lit with excitement, but it was also serene. Despite however monumental it may or may not be in my personal history, it was still pretty normal. I had a coffee in hand, headphones on, and could feel the sun rise on my back as I sat facing away from the window.

I pressed the button. The Kickstarter page went live without fanfare. I paused to take in the mystery of how it could end. Would it be successful, or would we completely fail to meet our goal? At that moment, like Schrodinger’s cat, they were both true.

Little did I know how quickly I’d have an answer. Our campaign was 100% funded on the first day, and we doubled our goal in 2 days.

That click made me realize something important: I am the master of my own destiny. No, I can’t guarantee where I’ll land — but I can decide when to jump. Ray Bradbury, one of my favorite writers, said it best:

“Jump off cliffs and build your wings on the way down.”

Joey Cofone is Co-Founder & CEO at Baron Fig. The Founding of Baron Fig shares the stories and lessons learned on the journey of creating our startup.

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Joey Cofone
Founding Baron Fig

Co-Founder at Baron Fig. Designer & Troublemaker under the hood.