The Next FW Salon is Dec. 9

And you’re invited to meet other writers and readers

Patsy Fergusson
Fourth Wave


In the interest of building a community of readers and writers, Fourth Wave has begun hosting monthly salons* on Zoom. Our next salon will be Saturday, Dec. 9, from 9–10am Pacific Time. Join us!

For December, there’s also a bit of homework. Please choose one of the stories below to read, and come ready to discuss it with the author. Also, bring the names of other authors or stories you like to read on Medium to share with the group. Let’s spread the good reads!

By Lsjaffee (Writer, Educator, Over-Thinker)

By Seconde Nimenya

By Diana C

By Patsy Fergusson (me):

By Fatima Mohammed



Patsy Fergusson
Fourth Wave

Tree hugger. Tour guide. Top Writer. Feminist. Newly-baptized Bay swimmer. Editor of Fourth Wave.