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Fractured Atlas Blog
Fractured Atlas Blog
News and musings on art, culture, technology, and all things Fractured Atlas.
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Introducing the Createquity podcast!

by Fractured Atlas

For the past several months, some of our staff have been hard at work with our friends over at Createquity, to bring you something new. The result is the Createquity podcast!

Everyone’s Favorite Whipping Boy

by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas

Peter Singer is picking on the arts. In his recent NY Times Op Ed, he discusses the (still?) emerging practice of applying rigorous analysis to compare the effectiveness of different…

Risk, Reward, and the Agency Problem

by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas

I’ve often argued that the traditional non-profit model discourages necessary risk-taking. It does this for a few reasons:

  1. Employees can’t own stock, so they…

New Models Redux

by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas

In our last episode, I responded to Michael Kaiser’s frustration with “new models” chatter. Well, this week he’s back with New Models, Part 2, and you knew I wasn’t going to just sit here (even if I am supposedly on…

The Appeal of Transparency (Even About Failure!)

by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas

I spent the first half of this week at the Fortune Tech Conference. Usually when I go to events like this they’re totally arts-centric, so it was (mostly) refreshing…