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Framed Light
Framed Light
A photography blog. Inspiration, interviews and travel tips. Written by Peter Iliev.
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Russian gangsters

American photographer Bruce Gilden spent two weeks with ordinary russians in a small provincial town near Yekaterinburg. According to Bruce, this area is populated by former criminals…

Travelling the World Full Time

Elia Locardi is probably my favourite landscape photographer. He frames light in such a magical way….

Elia and his wife Naomi live the location independent life for years. This means…

First Female to Visit Every Country on Earth

Adventurer Cassandra De Pecol is a woman on a mission. While the 27-year-old was raised in Connecticut and now calls California home, she has dedicated the last 15 months to wandering around the world as a “global citizen” and an advocate for peace.

Ballet And The City

The Ballerina Project is an ongoing series of photographs capturing elegant dancers throughout the world, in an urban context.