Go to Professioni Digitali
Professioni Digitali
La collana FrancoAngeli Professioni Digitali si rivolge a consulenti, freelancer, professionisti che vogliono aggiornare le loro competenze e a chi ha da poco intrapreso la via del digitale. Libri agili e concreti, ricchi di casi studio, per stare al passo con l’innovazione.
Note from the editor

La collana FrancoAngeli Professioni Digitali si rivolge a consulenti, freelancer, professionisti che vogliono aggiornare le loro competenze e a chi ha da poco intrapreso la via del digitale. Libri agili e concreti, ricchi di casi studio, per stare al passo con l’innovazione.

Go to the profile of FrancoAngeli
Dal 1955 libri per l’impresa, l’università, le professioni. Ma anche manuali per tutti e saggi per capire la contemporaneità
Go to the profile of Alberto Maestri
Alberto Maestri
brands, organizations & executives advisory. huge, isn’t it?
Go to the profile of Stefano Spigariol
Go to the profile of Alberto Maestri
Alberto Maestri
brands, organizations & executives advisory. huge, isn’t it?
Go to the profile of Jacopo Pasquini
Jacopo Pasquini
UX Pro, Mia's dad, Surf lover. Hello!
Go to the profile of Stefano Schiavo
Stefano Schiavo
Sharazad founder: Lean Business Strategy, Lean Startup, Design Thinking, Lean Thinking.
Go to the profile of Roberta Tassi
Go to the profile of Simone Giomi
Simone Giomi
User Experience e Usabilità a modino // Freelance & Coworker // Autore di Web Usability (Hoepli 2014) // #ux #usability http://www.userexperience.boutique
Go to the profile of Ivan Ortenzi
Ivan Ortenzi
Innovation expert, author with “Innovation Manager” & “Artificial Intelligence” (FrancoAngeli). Professor, Public Speaker, Maverick and Montessori Kid
Go to the profile of Nico Spadoni
Nico Spadoni
Mi piace condividere e scambiare idee, conoscenza, interessi. Openmind convinto, leggo tantissimo, saggi e romanzi più che altro. E qualche volta… scrivo ;-)
Go to the profile of Raffaele Gaito
Raffaele Gaito
Digital Entrepreneur. Blogger. Author. Speaker. | In Italian on www.raffaelegaito.com
Go to the profile of Stefano Gatti
Stefano Gatti
A data & innovation lover, passionate of how technology is changing the world under different points of view. Opinions are my own
Go to the profile of Alessandro Giaume
Go to the profile of LEANDRO AGRO
+25y IxD/UX, IoT pioneer, books author, patents contributor. | SF Bay Area
Go to the profile of Gianluigi Zarantonello
Go to the profile of Francesco La Trofa
Francesco La Trofa
Architect. Journalist. 3D Copywriter. Consultant about 3D, VR and Computer Graphics. Communication Strategies for 3D and Archviz companies.