To Preserve My Sanity, I’ve Decided To Resign From Pandemic Parenting and Pursue My True Passion: Wordle

Lindsay Hameroff
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2022


Photo by on Unsplash

As we embark on a new year, I’ve taken time to set my intentions, evaluate my work conditions, and reassess my long-term career goals. Upon reflection, I’ve realized my role as a pandemic parent is no longer emotionally fulfilling. Therefore, I’ve decided to join the ranks of the Great Resignation, and retire from parenting to pursue my one remaining passion: playing Wordle.

After 22 months in my current position, my interests have shifted. I no longer possess a desire to entertain my children with P-A-I-N-T, B-E-A-D-S, or any other type of C-R-A-F-T. I’ve lost the drive to clean their messes off my F-L-O-O-R, D-O-O-R-S, and W-A-L-L-S after feeble attempts to inspire their creativity. (203: 6/6!)

Now, I’m ready to hand over the reins of parenting to B-L-U-E-Y, so I can focus 100% of my mental energy on W-O-R-D-S. After all, why shouldn’t I C-H-A-S-E that Big Quit high? Life is S-H-O-R-T and I deserve a job that makes me H-A-P-P-Y. (204: 5/6!)

The mere thought of spending another day juggling work, childcare, and my personal sanity fills me with D-R-E-A-D. Attempting to answer work C-A-L-L-S or write a coherent E-M-A-I-L while simultaneously responding to demands for J-U-I-C-E has left me a S-H-E-L-L of a person. Is it…



Lindsay Hameroff

Reader, writer, humorist, mommy. Follow me on Twitter @LindsayHameroff.