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We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news
We’ve moved to https://freecodecamp.org/news and publish tons of tutorials each week. See you there.
Note from the editor

We’ve moved to https://freecodecamp.org/news and publish tons of tutorials each week. See you there.

Go to the profile of Quincy Larson
Go to the profile of Jennifer Bland
Jennifer Bland
Software Engineer. Google Developers Expert. Keynote Speaker. Entrepreneur. Mountain Climber. Neil Diamond fan. World traveler. jenniferbland.com & codeprep.io
Go to the profile of Abigail Rennemeyer
Go to the profile of Alex Bunardzic
Go to the profile of Gwendolyn Faraday
Gwendolyn Faraday
Programmer. Blockchain and ML enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Rob Welan
Go to the profile of Florian Beijers
Florian Beijers
Developer, hobby linguist and musician living In the Arnhem, NL area. Strong background in accessibility and always up for a chat.
Go to the profile of Kristoffer Andreasen
Kristoffer Andreasen
Data Analyst and Web Developer from Denmark combined with a little entrepreneurship on the side. I write about everything from showerthoughts to the web.
Go to the profile of Harshavardhana
Go to the profile of Shakeel Mohamed
Shakeel Mohamed
Graphic Design MFA Candidate @ ArtCenter College of Design | Developer Turned Designer
Go to the profile of Jonathan Z. White
Jonathan Z. White
Designer & developer | Writes about all things to do with building products | twitter.com/jonathanzwhite
Go to the profile of Jonas Downey
Jonas Downey
Design Manager @ Figma. Co-creator of Hello Weather. he/him
Go to the profile of Jed Watson
Jed Watson
Co-founder and head of technology at @thethinkmill, Javascript architect, creator of @KeystoneJS and react-select, and open source enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Piotr Bakker
Piotr Bakker
Product designer and occasional writer 🇪🇺🇺🇸
Go to the profile of Ashwin Hariharan
Ashwin Hariharan
Software Engineer & Fitness Freak, among other things! ❤ Writing | Startups, Tech, AI, ML | Teacher on occasions, student for life. ashwinhariharan.com
Go to the profile of Nitish Tiwari
Go to the profile of Austen Allred
Austen Allred
Co-founder of Lambda School — a CS education that’s free until you’re hired https://lambdaschool.com
Go to the profile of Si Waters
Go to the profile of Howon Song
Go to the profile of Megan Dell
Megan Dell
Head of UX @99designs. Likes Design, Agile, lean, cycling, running, hard stuff. Plays well with others.
Go to the profile of Sam Corcos
Sam Corcos
Software developer, founder, author - CarDash - Learn Phoenix - SightlineMaps.com
Go to the profile of Marty Laurita
Marty Laurita
Senior Art Director  | RISD Alum
Go to the profile of Felipe Hoffa
Felipe Hoffa
Data Cloud Advocate at Snowflake ❄️. Originally from Chile, now in San Francisco and around the world. Previously at Google. Let’s talk data.
Go to the profile of Michelle Glauser
Michelle Glauser
Founded @TechtonicaOrg to empower women/enby folks in need w/ tech skills. Ex-Twilio devs, #ILookLikeAnEngineer ads, @pyladiessf lead, HB. She/her. 🚲🍪📚
Go to the profile of Sacha Greif
Sacha Greif
Designer/developer from Paris, now living in Osaka. Creator of Sidebar, VulcanJS, and co-author of Discover Meteor.
Go to the profile of Sudheesh Shetty
Sudheesh Shetty
Programmer, Full Stack developer, cricket and gym lover, Open source enthusiast, Love technology. http://sudheeshshetty.in/
Go to the profile of Cristian Medina
Cristian Medina
Could deep learning model a #python to power your #dockerized #gaming AI while you cruise within the confines of subspace? That's what we're here to find out!
Go to the profile of JS
Go to the profile of Michael D
Go to the profile of Sina Habibian
Sina Habibian
Go to the profile of Arthur Camara
Arthur Camara
CryptoKitties. Dapper Labs. Toby. https://twitter.com/arthcmr
Go to the profile of Lawrence Yeo
Lawrence Yeo
Writer of words / illustrator of weirdness: @moretothat
Go to the profile of Sergei Garcia
Sergei Garcia
Software Engineer, Private Mentor, Aspiring Designer & Tech Enthusiast. Find me at sergeigarcia.xyz
Go to the profile of Nikita Kozlov
Nikita Kozlov
Software Engineer at GetYourGuide, Berlin
Go to the profile of Kaye Mao
Kaye Mao
I write to make sense of my thoughts about the world, design, and growing up. Writing @ spectra.substack.com
Go to the profile of Spencer Carli
Spencer Carli
Student. Teacher. Pizza fiend. I mostly write about React Native. https://reactnativeschool.com
Go to the profile of P. Daniel Tyreus, PhD
P. Daniel Tyreus, PhD
Software exec, data scientist, and entrepreneur who loves complicated problems. I’m currently building soundcheck.ai, hayfever.io, and conversation-kit.
Go to the profile of Vlad Wetzel
Go to the profile of Alex Olteanu
Alex Olteanu
I write data science courses at Dataquest.io
Go to the profile of Bilal Mohammed
Bilal Mohammed
Product Designer · Likes Shawarma · Hates 3D Glasses @hey_bilaaal http://bil.al
Go to the profile of Ravi Vadrevu
Ravi Vadrevu
Founder @kalendarai. Previously growth @branchout, @myspace.
Go to the profile of Sébastien Portebois
Sébastien Portebois
Software engineering, data-analysis, and devops.
Go to the profile of Adir Amsalem
Adir Amsalem
Developer @WixEng • Co-Organizer @YGLF_IL
Go to the profile of Darryl Pargeter
Darryl Pargeter
Ex-Lighting Tech, Self Taught Dev and now a Javascript Dev @ IMS-Evolve
Go to the profile of Yangshun Tay
Yangshun Tay
Ex-Front End @ Meta • Docusaurus core team • yangshuntay.com
Go to the profile of Ovid
American living in France
Go to the profile of Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown
An author—of literature and code.
Go to the profile of Birowsky
Go to the profile of Aimee Knight 👩🏻‍💻
Aimee Knight 👩🏻‍💻
s/figure skater/software engineer ⛸💻 #JS @dramafever. Panelist @JSJabber. International speaker. Board Dir. @operation_code. #juniordevforlife John 13:35
Go to the profile of Daniel Deutsch
Daniel Deutsch
Data Science and Business Law. https://www.createdd.com/
Go to the profile of Aman Y. Agarwal
Aman Y. Agarwal
I write to explain complex things simply. And I’m older than I look. Author of "Tech Fluent CEO" (https://aman-agarwal.com/tfc)
Go to the profile of Casper Sermsuksan
Casper Sermsuksan
Co-Founder @KulinaID | Edaf | Fopus, CSO @ Tellscore
Go to the profile of Jonathan Solórzano-Hamilton
Go to the profile of Madison Kanna
Madison Kanna
Developer @Mediavine. I blog about teaching yourself how to code. http://www.madisonkanna.com/
Go to the profile of Nick Bourdakos
Nick Bourdakos
Computer vision addict at IBM Watson
Go to the profile of Ivan Zarea
Ivan Zarea
I help lead engineering teams, thinking about hiring, growth, technical choices, and everything in between. I also make videos about computers, read, laugh at m
Go to the profile of Sihui Huang
Sihui Huang
Engineering @Gusto; Making Videos at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN3_BBsNo7ePr9bjPMeXcSg; Writing at sihui.io
Go to the profile of Ethan Arrowood
Ethan Arrowood
Student & GitHub Campus Expert. I write a lot of JavaScript
Go to the profile of Bruno Pedro
Bruno Pedro
#API and #Product Technologist
Go to the profile of Robyn Hartung Lundin
Robyn Hartung Lundin
Reality is merely a construct of perspective. Change your perspective; change your reality.
Go to the profile of Daliana Liu
Daliana Liu
Sr. Data Scientist | Get my exclusive career tips: www.dalianaliu.com | “the data scientist show” podcast host
Go to the profile of Fredrik Strand Oseberg
Fredrik Strand Oseberg
Entrepreneur, currently on a journey of learning how to code.
Go to the profile of Jacob Evelyn
Jacob Evelyn
Writer, comedian, hiker, coder. Doin’ it for the 👏s.
Go to the profile of Antin Harasymiv
Go to the profile of Alex Saveau
Alex Saveau
Freelancer. All things 🔥base, Android, and 🔓-source. Also, 🐤 builds. https://alexsaveau.dev
Go to the profile of Jacek Schae
Go to the profile of William Woodhead
William Woodhead
Designer | Developer | pilcro.com
Go to the profile of Marcin Moskala
Marcin Moskala
Kt. Academy creator, co-author of Android Development with Kotlin, author of open-source libraries, community activist. http://marcinmoskala.com/
Go to the profile of Akul Tomar
Akul Tomar
Software Developer, noob guitar player🎸
Go to the profile of Felipe Lopes
Felipe Lopes
Software engineer
Go to the profile of Yunkai Zhou
Yunkai Zhou
Co-founder & CTO at Leap.ai; former 10-year Google eng leader
Go to the profile of Jimmy Zhang
Go to the profile of Kristóf Litavecz
Go to the profile of Timothy Ko
Go to the profile of Sigurður Skúli
Sigurður Skúli
Machine Learning Engineer
Go to the profile of Jake Lumetta
Jake Lumetta
CEO at ButterCMS (https://buttercms.com). For more content like this, follow @ButterCMS on Twitter and subscribe to our blog.
Go to the profile of Sarah Dayan
Sarah Dayan
Front-end developer with a taste for design and typography. I like to share what I know on HTML, CSS and JavaScript, UI/UX and other front stuff.
Go to the profile of Jonathan Creamer
Go to the profile of Sibylle Sehl
Sibylle Sehl
Software Engineer at ResearchGate // MSc Computer Science Grad - University of Edinburgh //@freeCodeCamp 2018 Top Contributor // Passionate Problem-Solver
Go to the profile of Eamonn McEvoy
Eamonn McEvoy
Software Engineer in Amsterdam
Go to the profile of Slobodan Stojanović
Slobodan Stojanović
Programmer. CTO of Cloud Horizon and JS Belgrade meetup organizer. Co-author of https://www.manning.com/books/serverless-apps-with-node-and-claudiajs.
Go to the profile of Peter Mbanugo
Peter Mbanugo
Software Developer & Writer interested in offline-first. I made FlyCD (flycd.dev) Twitter: https://x.com/p_mbanugo LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/pmbanugo/
Go to the profile of Victor Ofoegbu
Victor Ofoegbu
Product-Focused Software Engineer. Learning to design & build digital experiences
Go to the profile of Rahat Khanna
Rahat Khanna
{ Expertise : [ Enterprise Mobility, Hybrid Mobile Apps, HTML5, Javascript, AngularJS ], Interests : [ Wearables, Internet of Things, M2M ] }
Go to the profile of Codesmith
Blending the models of a traditional IT Staffing Agency with a Software Development shop, Codesmith Staffing is guaranteed to meet any and all client needs
Go to the profile of Kris Baillargeon
Kris Baillargeon
Freelance Web Designer & Moderator @ Free Code Camp I write educational and nonfiction stuff sometimes
Go to the profile of Vishal Kumar
Vishal Kumar
Cultural Data Scientist in London. Co-Founder @photogram_ai | Data Science and Visualization @UCL | art, data, design, strategy, culture in cities
Go to the profile of Michelle Jones
Go to the profile of Nishant Mishra
Nishant Mishra
An engineer by education and a developer by heart. Nishant is a budding developer from India. He enjoys problem solving, learning & creating awesome apps.
Go to the profile of David Rieger
David Rieger
Software Engineer, Drummer, Cook
Go to the profile of Sandya Sankarram
Sandya Sankarram
Software Engineer at SurveyMonkey • Columbia 2015 • @sandyaaaas
Go to the profile of Eumir Gaspar
Eumir Gaspar
Crypto enthusiast. Ruby developer by day, CTO/Elixir developer at night. SASS lover all day, every day.
Go to the profile of Charlie Jeppsson
Charlie Jeppsson
Developer from Stockholm, Sweden.
Go to the profile of Linda Gregier
Linda Gregier
diagnosed with tnbc 1.17.23/ hyphen-enthusiast; senior program manager @vimeo #data #releasemanager #technicalprojectmanager #technology #runner
Go to the profile of Marcus Wood
Marcus Wood
Marcus Wood is a JavaScript software engineer that focuses on building products that scale using Typescript, React, and GraphQL. Twitter: @mwood230
Go to the profile of DJ Chung
DJ Chung
Get a job in tech: www.hackcareer.com | Product Manager @Dropbox | Wrote a book about my mom: http://amzn.to/HMr4ME | @DukeU by way of Columbia, MO
Go to the profile of Dave Nugent
Dave Nugent
Organizes @SFJavaScript @ForwardJS. I ♥ the open web.
Go to the profile of Himanshu Pant
Himanshu Pant
Techie working for a MNC bank and striving to be a polymath. Interested in all things tech , finance and self improvement
Go to the profile of Todd Palmer
Todd Palmer
Computer Scientist, Fujitsu Distinguished Engineer, and Senior Software Engineer http://t-palmer.github.io
Go to the profile of Anthony Sistilli
Go to the profile of Paolo Mioni
Paolo Mioni
CTO and co-founder at HCE.IT: lover of front-end development, complex technical problems and noisy electric guitars.
Go to the profile of Lucas Kohorst
Go to the profile of David Mack
David Mack
PrestoDesign.ai founder, @SketchDeck (YC W14, exited) co-founder, https://octavian.ai researcher, I enjoy exploring and creating.
Go to the profile of Karan Asher
Karan Asher
The stupid engineer
Go to the profile of Mohammed Salman
Mohammed Salman
Software Engineer @limehome
Go to the profile of Peace Ojemeh (Perrie)
Peace Ojemeh (Perrie)
Finding myself
Go to the profile of Ankit Jain
Ankit Jain
Looking for Laravel | DevOps jobs, GSoC alum and GCI mentor at Drupal, @ankitjain28may https://github.com/ankitjain28may ankitjain28may77@gmail.com
Go to the profile of David Nowak
David Nowak
Looking to connect with aspiring online entrepreneurs | Passionate about programming (JS) and entrepreneurship! https://davidpnowak.com
Go to the profile of Vinh Le
Vinh Le
An engineer loves building digital product and sharing knowledge👨🏻‍💻💪🔥🎾
Go to the profile of Ian Wilson
Ian Wilson
Software developer, runner, and surrealist. You can view my site at https://ianwilson.dev — Be sure follow me on twitter @iwilsonq
Go to the profile of Prithviraj Pawar
Prithviraj Pawar
Software Developer at Rakuten Inc, Tokyo
Go to the profile of Shy Alter
Shy Alter
Thinks and writes about Software. Subscribe at https://engstuff.dev
Go to the profile of Bohdan Kit
Bohdan Kit
Head of Product @ Tumblr. Shower Philosophy Maverick 🧐
Go to the profile of Brainhub
Not your regular software development company 🚀 We help digital-first companies move fast with software. Follow us for tech guides and insights.
Go to the profile of Iago Rodrigues
Iago Rodrigues
Web Developer | VueJs Developer | JavaScript Lover | Freelancer | Coffee addicted | Took the blue pill
Go to the profile of Sandeep Panda
Sandeep Panda
Co-Founder of Hashnode
Go to the profile of Angela He
Angela He
cs@stanford // makes art and games https://zephyo.github.io/
Go to the profile of Gaurav
Tech Enthusiast, Trainer & Wannapreneur, gaurav-khanna.in ( Want to happy, healthy and productive? GoodApp https://share.goodapp.in/gaurav)
Go to the profile of Rajasekar Elango
Rajasekar Elango
I’m a Principle Software Engineer at Salesforce.com. I write about Personal Development, Learning, Thinking. Subscribe https://www.pub.learnthinkactgrow.club/
Go to the profile of Prakash Sharma
Prakash Sharma
Full Stack Developer ~ A Learner ~ https://github.com/itsprakash87
Go to the profile of Drew Dahlman
Drew Dahlman
Maker of things. Dogs. Design. Code. Technical Director at @firstborn_nyc. Founder of @dvlpdnvr and @GifMeApp
Go to the profile of Moshe Siegel
Moshe Siegel
Founder of 4scorechat.com, where strangers match for improv chatting. Lives in New York City
Go to the profile of ellereeeee
ESL teacher in Korea learning web-development.
Go to the profile of Logan Wright
Logan Wright
I build Software and I like to fish
Go to the profile of Ranadhir Dey
Ranadhir Dey
iOS developer. Served USA's some of the biggest banks, insurance companies, retailers, even a political party! Enjoying boolean life - sleep or code :)
Go to the profile of Zubin
zeuslawyer.github.io | www.whooshka.me | Recovering corporate lawyer | MBA survivor | #Believer.
Go to the profile of Ben Church
Ben Church
Building Great Products for Amazing companies 👨‍💻🚀 || Remote Engineering Lead || @bnchrch on twitter || https://ben.church || https://github.com/bechurch
Go to the profile of Nitish Phanse
Nitish Phanse
Javascript developer. Fiddles around with Node and React. Wants to try scuba diving.
Go to the profile of Bapusaheb Patil
Bapusaheb Patil
Award-Winning Designer • Design Book Author • Video Course Creator
Go to the profile of Richard Middleton
Go to the profile of Ali Spittel
Ali Spittel
Python + JavaScript dev. Lead instructor General Assembly. Blogger @ https://zen-of-programming.com/ .
Go to the profile of Patrick Ferris
Patrick Ferris
Computer Science Undergraduate at Cambridge University https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-ferris-742b79167/
Go to the profile of Karthik Venkateswaran
Karthik Venkateswaran
Application Engineer @ Hasura, loves to learn new things
Go to the profile of Gilad Haimov
Gilad Haimov
Senior software developer & architect | Java, Cloud, Machine-learning, Blockchain. Email: giladha@gmail.com
Go to the profile of ChunLin Wu
ChunLin Wu
Web Front-End Developer | HTML5 | CSS | JavaScript | React. Check out my new course on Skillshare https://skl.sh/2xIp0id
Go to the profile of Marco
Hi, I'm Marco! I'm a high schooler as well as a web and mobile developer. I'm usually working in JavaScript, Swift, or Python. Winner of Google Code-in 2017.
Go to the profile of Benek Lisefski
Benek Lisefski
I’m a UX/UI designer from Auckland, New Zealand. Writing about freelancing & business for indie designers & creatives at https://solowork.co
Go to the profile of Mehul Mohan
Mehul Mohan
Go to the profile of Shailesh Shekhawat
Shailesh Shekhawat
Author - 101node.io Engineering with Javascript and Node.js #lifelonglearner
Go to the profile of Akogwu Uche
Go to the profile of Veronika Rovnik
Veronika Rovnik
Passionate about mathematics, machine learning, and technologies. Studying approaches in the field of data analysis and visualization. Open for new ideas :)
Go to the profile of Tomche Delev
Go to the profile of Matt Studdert
Matt Studdert
Front-end/JavaScript developer who loves to build useful products. Creator of Frontend Mentor (https://www.frontendmentor.io).
Go to the profile of Soujanya PS
Soujanya PS
Coder by profession, writing is my passion. Trying to find a sweet spot by combining the two.
Go to the profile of Joanna Gaudyn
Joanna Gaudyn
Literary critic turned full-stack web-developer :: Founder and Country Manager at Le Wagon Norway :: Cat person
Go to the profile of Arun Mathew Kurian
Arun Mathew Kurian
Reader | Ruby on Rails Developer| Movie Buff
Go to the profile of Charles Ouellet
Go to the profile of Patryk Miziuła, PhD
Patryk Miziuła, PhD
data scientist with mathematical background, PyData Bydgoszcz cofounder
Go to the profile of Igor Yalovoy 🧙
Igor Yalovoy 🧙
Full Stack Blockchain Developer at Zeppelin | ylv.io
Go to the profile of Krzysztof Czernek
Krzysztof Czernek
Tech Lead, Full Stack Developer, Consultant
Go to the profile of Roland Leth
Roland Leth
iOS & web developer. Blogger about life and tech at https://rolandleth.com. Founder at https://runtimesharks.com.
Go to the profile of Tristan Ganry
Tristan Ganry
Consultant | Data | Finance @ Toronto — Canada
Go to the profile of Russell Hammett Jr. (Kritner)
Russell Hammett Jr. (Kritner)
Just a boring Application Developer/Dad. I enjoy gaming, learning new technologies, reading, and potentially other stuff. That’s about it.
Go to the profile of Chiamaka Ikeanyi
Chiamaka Ikeanyi
Likes Tech, Art and Poetry. Write at https://chiamakaikeanyi.dev/why-i-blog
Go to the profile of Johny Thomas
Johny Thomas
Web Developer | loves building web apps
Go to the profile of Jacob Goh
Jacob Goh
Software Engineer @ Snappymob
Go to the profile of Colin Smith
Colin Smith
From wandering ALT in Tokyo to top tech company (think FANG) in NYC. I’d love to share the knowledge I’ve gained so you can also reach your tech career dreams.
Go to the profile of Thomas Reinecke
Thomas Reinecke
Entrepreneur & Chief Architect at IBM, Personal Investor & Writer about entrepreneurship, finance, and technology. I am here to help you succeed.
Go to the profile of Ben Gubler
Ben Gubler
Open-source developer, student in ML, and aspiring polyglot.
Go to the profile of Gopal Singh
Go to the profile of Kaashan Hussain
Go to the profile of Melchor Tatlonghari
Melchor Tatlonghari
I write about Tech, Psychology, Entrepreneurship, Book Reviews, and Nomadism. https://goldenvisa.melchortatlonghari.com/ https://linktr.ee/mel3kings
Go to the profile of C-J Kihl
C-J Kihl
Full-stack developer and Entrepreneur. Coding and traveling the world. 🌍
Go to the profile of Lachlan Young
Lachlan Young
I think this is the bit where I make myself sound impressive…. I like to code.
Go to the profile of Rafael Belchior
Rafael Belchior
R&D Engineer at Blockdaemon. Opinions and articles are my own and do not necessarily reflect the view of my employer. https://rafaelapb.github.io
Go to the profile of Utsab Saha
Utsab Saha
Computer science educator and yoga health educator.
Go to the profile of Simon Späti
Simon Späti
Data Engineer & Technical Author with 15+ years of experience. I enjoy maintaining awareness of new innovative and emerging open-source technologies.
Go to the profile of Zain Manji
Zain Manji
Canadian Tennis Player, Co-Founder @ Lazer (www.lazertechnologies.com), Products I’ve worked on include Fiix (Sold, YC W17), Facebook, Instagram, Yelp, & Google
Go to the profile of Nastasia Saby
Nastasia Saby
#SoftwareCrafting #Data #ML #TDD #Scala #PHP fan @Zenika
Go to the profile of Deepika Gunda
Deepika Gunda
I am a Software Engineer n Tech Enthusiast . You will see me publishing articles on Javascript, NodeJS and misc.
Go to the profile of Sergey Malchevskiy
Sergey Malchevskiy
AI solutions for business || Algorithmic trading http://malchevskiy.pro
Go to the profile of Vaibhav Kandwal
Vaibhav Kandwal
Extreme computerholic. Hardcore coffee junkie. Loves to write. Falls down a lot. Internet Evangelist.
Go to the profile of Katie Siegel
Katie Siegel
Senior Engineering Manager @ Samsara
Go to the profile of Ethan Hansen
Ethan Hansen
Founder @ Stuvise.
Go to the profile of Andrey Goncharov
Andrey Goncharov
This blog is abandoned in favor of https://blog.goncharov.page/
Go to the profile of Andrea Santurbano
Andrea Santurbano
RSA @ Databricks
Go to the profile of Franziska Hinkelmann
Franziska Hinkelmann
Principal Engineering Manager at Microsoft. Node.js Monkey Patcher.
Go to the profile of Luan Orlandi
Luan Orlandi
I like to build and fix things, mostly frontend related
Go to the profile of Jennifer Wjertzoch
Jennifer Wjertzoch
I am an experienced front-end developer in the modern JavaScrip stack passionate about building performant and accessible web applications.
Go to the profile of Janitha Tennakoon
Janitha Tennakoon
Tech Lead | AWS Community Builder from Sri Lanka
Go to the profile of Mohak Puri
Mohak Puri
Engineering @INDmoney | ex GO-JEK | GSoC 2018 @openMF | Mobile | Backend | mohak1712 everywhere
Go to the profile of Emrick Sinitambirivoutin
Emrick Sinitambirivoutin
ML Engineer @Sonos👨🏻‍💻
Go to the profile of HD
Go to the profile of Carlos da Costa
Carlos da Costa
A data science enthusiast making data-related concepts accessible to everyone. Let's connect @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlosdavidcosta
Go to the profile of Saheed Oladele
Saheed Oladele
Startup Enthusiast. Full-Stack Developer. Open Source Contributor. React | Rails.
Go to the profile of Harry Sauers
Harry Sauers
Writing about software, cybersecurity, and finance.
Go to the profile of Christian Jess Mark
Christian Jess Mark
I’m a frontend developer working for Storytel.
Go to the profile of Andrew Li
Andrew Li
Silicon Valley software engineer who writes about tech.
Go to the profile of Felix Kuestahler
Felix Kuestahler
Exploring the emerging world of decentralization. All content and opinion expressed in the context of my legal entity https://atnode.ch/
Go to the profile of Kathy Dinh
Kathy Dinh
Software Consultant at ThoughtWorks. < 👩‍💻 ❤️ 🥗🐈✈️ >
Go to the profile of Tim Jackson
Tim Jackson
Startup founder, former Economist and FT journalist, CEO coach, and seed VC at www.walking.vc
Go to the profile of Pramono Winata
Go to the profile of Dr. Michaela Greiler
Dr. Michaela Greiler
I help teams make code reviews their superpower: www.michaelagreiler.com And I run the Software Engineering Unlocked podcast https://www.se-unlocked.com
Go to the profile of Wilfred Morgan
Wilfred Morgan
Software developer and consultant. www.wilfredmorgan.com
Go to the profile of Jerin Paul
Jerin Paul
Deep Learning Researcher ◐ Habit Hacker ◑ I Love writing. Checkout my works at livetheaiexperience.com
Go to the profile of Victor A. Requena
Go to the profile of Sanjula Madurapperuma
Sanjula Madurapperuma
full stack mobile and web developer | photographer | start-up enthusiast