JavaScript conferences you can look forward to in 2017

Dheeraj Joshi
We’ve moved to
5 min readDec 28, 2016
A picture from Node.js Conference ’16, Italy

Conferences are a great way to make friends and learn from experts. You can even try your hand at presenting on a topic.

Here are some JavaScript conferences to look forward to in 2017.

NodeConf Budapest: January 19–20 in Budapest, Hungary

NodeConf Budapest is a one-day, single-track conference with a laser focus on what people need to know about Node.js. There’s also a special NodeSchool event the day before.

Agent Conference: January 20–21 in Dornbirn, Austria

AgentConf is the first alpine conference about JavaScript and software engineering. Experts and core contributors will come to showcase their work in ReactJS, ReactNative, Node, and more.

Script’17: January 27 in Linz, Austria

Script’17 is a one-day event focused on JavaScript.

Developer Week: February 13–15 in San Francisco, California

This is the first time that DeveloperWeek will feature a JavaScript conference. It’s 3-days of workshops and industry talks about JavaScript.

React London: March 28 in London, UK

Red Badger is launching a new conference focused on React in London for 2017 called React London 2017.

EmberConf: March 28–29 in Portland, Oregon

EmberConf features sessions, activities, and good times with the Ember Core Team and community members from around the world.

Render: March 30–31 in Oxford, UK

Render Conf is a 2-day conference for front-end developers. It’s the successor to jQuery UK, returning to Oxford for its second year in 2017. It’s a single-track conference.

SmashingConf: April 4–5 in San Francisco, California

SmashingConf features focuses on UX and front end development.

ng-conf: April 5–7 in Salt Lake City, Utah

ng-conf is the world’s original Angular Conference.

React Amsterdam: April 21 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

React Amsterdam is a full day two-track conference on all things React.

Active Ingredients: April 28 in San Francisco, California

Active Ingredients 2017 is the world’s first conference that is focusing on JAMstack. Spend a day learning from some of the most prominent people in web development.

JSConf EU: May 6–7 in Berlin, Germany

JSConf EU is the labor-of-love conference for the JavaScript community in Europe.

JSDay Italy: May 10–11 in Verona, Italy

From the organizers of the phpDay, JSDay is the first international conference on JavaScript in Italy.

React Europe: May 18–19 in Paris, France

ReactEurope will explore new ways to use tools like React.js, React Native, GraphQL, Relay, Universal apps, Webpack, inline CSS, and more.

Front-Trends, May 24–26, Warsaw, Poland

Front-Trends focuses on front-end development.

ng-cruise: May 29-June 2 in Miami, Florida

The first Angular cruise conference. The cruise departs from Miami and heads to the Bahamas.

Fluent: June 19–22 in San Jose, California

O’Reilly Fluent will focus on the web development and more.

VueConf: June 21–23 in WROCŁAW, POLAND

VueConf is the first Official Vue.js Conference in the world.

AngularCamp: July in Barcelona, Spain

AngularCamp Conference is a one-day, single track conference with amazing talks by internationally renowned community speakers.

Frontend Conference: August 31-September 1 in Zurich, Switzerland

The Frontend Conference in Zurich is Switzerland’s conference on front-end and UX techniques.

NordicJS: September 7–8 in Stockholm, Sweden

Nordic.js is a two-day JavaScript conference.

AngularConnect: November 7–8 in London, UK

AngularConnect is a 2-day, multi-track conference with a variety of Angular expercts, including the core Angular team at Google.

HalfStack 2017: Nov 17 in London, UK

HalfStack is a one-day, single track JavaScript conference that actually takes place in a pub.

Recently, I’ve had a few opportunities to attend and speak at amazing conferences on JavaScript Security. You can read about my experiences and follow me on Twitter.

