J Leslie Booth
From The Brink
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2015


In response to a reply from CamMi Pham, on her story, Why School Is the Best Advertising Agency.

Sadly, CamMi, I must agree with you.

Today’s Education System is NOT the education system initially begun, or envisioned through the early stages of this, the United States, began bringing education to the citizenry. It has been immensely: even insidiously: co-opted; many times along the way. Many such co-opting actions were for nefarious purposes.

Today’s is no different.

However, what your mother told you IS valid: the uneducated mind is the most susceptible mind to control. And that is precisely WHY today’s education is mostly worthless. The ideology of today’s education is NOT about rounding out the person as a valuable, creative mind, eager to learn and know as much about everything possible. Today’s education ideology is about production. Producing people who react with plug-n-chug mechanical precision, not people who respond with a flexible, multi-layered, multi-approachdare I say “creative” approach — to problem solving.

Schools and education hierarchy, today, all talk profusely of the value in the Creative Spirit, yet do their darnedest to squelch — and even — eliminate it. There is much lip service to the idea of creative thinking, but when such activity is displayed, walls suddenly close-in and opportunity is locked out. For the most part, the only way to advance, is to become a Kool-Aid Kid. (KAK).

The educational system does NOT need a ‘new study’ or a ‘new way of thinking’. No, it needs to return to the values that made it so productive, that even now, years after it’s internal decay, it still appears grand. The shine is fading fast.

Unless our education system takes emergency measures to regain the internal structure that made education in the USA a model of equal learning for all, we will only read about the tragic loss in — most likely — outlawed history books from an all-to-close publication date.



J Leslie Booth
From The Brink

Creative Collaborator: My joy in business is bringing creative minds together. The power of collaboratíon among creative minds is only limited by imagination.