This Week in Numbers: 13th April — 19th April

Joe Dixon
From Zero to Grow
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2018


We know, we know. We’ve kept you in the dark over the last few weeks and for that I can only apologise. We’re sure you’re all eager to know what we’ve been up to throughout our mini hiatus, so without further ado…

Tired of letting that side project gather dust in your repo? Discover meedle.

From Zero to Grow

Medium publication (Follow us!)

Followers: 29
Visitors: 28
Articles Viewed: 37
Minutes Read: 32


Our ‘under validation’ app (Sign up for updates!)

Number of subscribers: 26
Subscribers added this week: 0


Our office musical Slack app (Play some sick tunes!)

New users this week: 32
Number of users: 768
Number of active weekly users: 154
Highest number of daily active users: 75
Total actions: 8,778

What have we been up to?


Twitter followers: 236 🎉

Exciting week for me this week. On Wednesday, I officially launched the book I’ve been working on for the last three or so months. It’s a technical book that walks the user through the process of building a chatbot from planning to deployment. I’ve been building chatbots for the last couple of years and felt like there was no resource out there quite like this. When the launch settles down, I plan to carry out and write up some experiments to attempt to keep the sales coming in. If you, or anyone you know is interested in selling a book, be sure to follow us to stay updated.

I’ve had a healthy bump in Twitter followers over the last couple of weeks. This is mostly down to the book launch, but I’ve also been tweeting pro tips which are resulting in lots of engagement. I am running an experiment starting this week to more formally test this theory. I’m tracking and reporting it on Zero to Grow, read my experiment card.


Is there anybody out there?

This week, I officially sent out our first email to the tiny list we’ve been building for meedle (← we’re building something you’ll love, please have a read). We’ve gathered 26 subscribers to that list and it was time to let them know what we’re up to.

Unsurprisingly, our open & click rates were quite high. A smaller list will do that to you.

It still feels good to see the few people we have on there be interested enough to read it. We also only had one person unsubscribe, which really surprised me as some of our subscribers joined us a long while ago.

Next week, I’m focusing on writing. I have a few experiments in the backlog that I’d like to share with you. I also have a couple of drafted articles I need to polish before hitting publish.

It hasn’t been easy to side hustle lately. I need to get my groove back, and I will do that the only way I know how: by doing.

📈🔥 The Developer’s Tool to Growing Side Hustles 🔥📈

We’re building a tool that helps developers create, store, activate, and report on growth experiments.

If you have a few of those ‘wish I had the time/capacity to promote’ projects gathering dust in your repo, give this a read. We might just be building exactly what you need.

👉 Zero to Grow, your side hustle growth experimentation tool.



Joe Dixon
From Zero to Grow

Founder and CTO of @ubisend. Creator of @getjukebot. Father and Husband. Big sport and technology enthusiast.