This Week in Numbers: 8th — 14th December

Joe Dixon
From Zero to Grow
Published in
2 min readDec 17, 2017

In the spirit of our completely open and up front policy, we’ve decided to reward our loyal band of followers with a weekly round up of all of our important numbers.

Starting this week, we’ll give you the figures for the From Zero to Grow publication, the Zero to Grow app and Jukebot so you can watch us grow!

We’ll also give you a summary of what we’ve been up to.

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From Zero to Grow

Medium publication (Follow us!)

Followers: 10
Visitors: 48
Articles Viewed: 71
Minutes Read: 58


Our ‘under validation’ app (Sign up for updates!)

Number of subscribers: 11
Subscribers added this week: 0


Our office musical Slack app (Play some sick tunes!)

New users this week: 26
Number of users: 448
Number of active weekly users: 99
Highest number of daily active users: 44
Total actions: 6,136

What have we been up to?


Twitter followers: 200

This week I have mainly been thinking about what the database schema for the Zero to Grow app might look like. This has involved reams of paper ending up ripped up and thrown in the bin. In the end, I ended up with something I’m happy with, which I see as a good solid foundation for the app.

Also, I’m trying to grow my Twitter followers with like-minded folks. I’m lagging behind a somewhat on this front so I’ve been making a conscious effort to interact more with others as well as send tweets on a more regular basis. I had a very small win this week, breaking the 200 follower barrier. So, please, follow me :)


Experiments and templates

My primary focus this week was to get the first Zero to Grow experiment out in the wild. If you read the experiment I published, it doesn’t seem like much work has gone into it. However, I really wanted to translate my own private little Google Doc format into something both Joe and I were happy to go publicly on From Zero to Grow.

I’m happy with the result. I truly believe genuine nuggets of valuable information will be found on our pages to anyone trying to build products. I will share all this information, one experiment at a time — nothing more exciting than this.

Also super stoked we crossed the 10 Medium publication followers!

Here’s to our first ‘This Week in Numbers’. Hope you find peaking through the curtains interesting.

Clap? Clap… Clapclapclap. Smash that button!



Joe Dixon
From Zero to Grow

Founder and CTO of @ubisend. Creator of @getjukebot. Father and Husband. Big sport and technology enthusiast.