Weekly Inspiration #10: 404 pages

Sandijs Ruluks
Froont design
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2016

Looking for custom 404 page? Every week or so we send out new templates made with Froont. You can use them in your designs for free. Check out our archive of previous templates.

We recently added a new feature to our app, which allows you to quickly and easily set–up a custom 404 page. 404 pages is a page set up on a website that is displayed if somebody finds a page that no longer exists.

Investing time in creating a custom one, has it’s fair share of benefits, too. Having one, can improve your visitors experience a lot, for starters.

Click the pictures to view or clone the project

So for this weeks inspiration we’ve decided to create few 404 pages. Check out the projects above and clone the ones you like into your account. You can also copy-paste selected blocks and mix them up with your existing design.

Thanks for reading!
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