FrostFlakes is coming to an end. Here’s what happens next.

Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2023

We have come a long way. We have stayed #Frosty.

The end is here, but we aren’t mad about it. The protocol did what it was supposed to do. FrostFlakes lasted for about seven months, grew to over $750k in liquidity, 2.9k investors, and 1.3k telegram members. We are extremely proud of these numbers.

There was a moment of panic about three weeks ago, as the total liquidity on the health chart started to decline. Everyone pitched in their two cents about what should happen, and what changes should have been made to help sustain the protocol. We, and the admins, listened patiently and kept our respect levels as high as they have always been. Having built FrostFlakes, we have always known how it works inside and out. There was no panic from us, nor were there any changes to the protocol. Changing the rules of the game was not an option. Some understood our position on the matter, and some were frustrated. Eventually, there was acceptance that we weren’t going to touch the code. When there was acceptance, there was a return to productive dialogue.

We kept our integrity- not just at the end, when things got “tough”, but from the very start.

We want to remind everyone in our community, that FrostfFlakes did as it was designed to do. It was designed to go up, and come down. Our intention was to make this hump take as long as possible.

We never bailed, even when the TVL started dropping and we knew the end was near. We just stayed the course, and ran the project like we always have.

Thank you to our community, moderators, Mitch and JackT for one hell of a project, highly trusted by many, and likewise, fantastic returns for many.

What comes next?

In true FrostFlakes fashion, looking to do what is best for the community without changing the rules of the game, FrostFlakes has partnered with two projects, BakedBeans V2, and SpeakEasy. Both of which JackT has written the source code of the contract. These projects can be considered soft forks of FrostFlakes.

Both of these projects have special opportunities for FrostFlakes investors.

Any wallet that has not ROIed can choose one or the other, bot not both of these opportunities at the same time.

BakedBeans V2 (read previous article)

For all the wallets who have not ROIed yet in FrostFlakes, they will be distributed rewards from BakedBeans V2. These rewards equate to 10% of the team fees earned based on the team fees structure of BBV2. As long as BBV2 is running, FF wallets which have not ROIed will get distributions.

Please keep in mind that the BakedBeans reserve does not promise a distribution to everyone! It completely depends on the success of BakedBeans.

You will be on the list for distributions from BakedBeans reserve as default.


This is an unreleased project that with a unique and generous offer for the FrostFlakes wallets which have not ROIed: to give early access to SpeakEasy.

All FrostFlakes wallets will have the opportunity to accept an early access to SpeakEasy.

All FrostFlakes who didn’t ROI can choose between BB distribution or an even earlier access level for SpeakEasy.

Soon, the website will launch where investors can choose to accept the early access offer. All that is needed is to paste your wallet address to accept the offer.

You decline the early access offer by not doing anything.

We sincerely hope that you recognize the effort being put into getting all wallets that have yet to ROI, to ROI, as FrostFlakes winds down it’s final withdrawals.

This project has been an incredible learning experience, and we are immensely grateful for all the trust, help, belief, and positivity we have received from the community. We understand how much it means to put your hard earned dollars into DeFi projects, and we are grateful to those who have chosen us!

Adios for now.



The above references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.

