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Fueled Engineering
Fueled Engineering
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Test RxJava2 PublishSubject the right way

I was recently writing a unit test for a PublishSubject and was not able to write a valid test despite the code working well in the application.

The problem

`Rxify` — a simple spell for complex RxJava operators (Part -4)

If you are new to the `Rxify` spell then you should first have a look at Part1, Part2 and Part3. In this post we will learn about the Repeat-ium spell, Retry-kulus (pronounced as ‘ritri’culous) spell and their magical…

`Rxify` — a simple spell for complex RxJava operators (Part -3)

If you are new to the `Rxify` spell then you should first have a look at Part1 and Part2. In this post we will learn about the term `backpressure` and some of the spells which can be used to control it. We will also look…

`Rxify` — a simple spell for complex RxJava operators (Part -2)

New to the `Rxify` spell? Checkout this post first. In this post we will learn about how we can hit cache first before making a server call. We will also learn some extremely helpful spells like :