Go to The Dirt: Food & Farming News and Views
The Dirt: Food & Farming News and Views
Food, agriculture and environmental health news by FERN
Note from the editor

Food, agriculture and environmental health news by FERN

Go to the profile of FERNnews
Independent, non-profit journalism at the intersection of food, agriculture, and the environment. Donor-supported since 2011.
Go to the profile of Sam Fromartz
Sam Fromartz
Editor-in-Chief @FERNnews. In Search of the Perfect Loaf: A Home Baker’s Odyssey (Viking, fall 2014), lives in DC
Go to the profile of Kristina Johnson
Kristina Johnson
I write about agriculture and rural life in California.
Go to the profile of Sam Fromartz
Sam Fromartz
Editor-in-Chief @FERNnews. In Search of the Perfect Loaf: A Home Baker’s Odyssey (Viking, fall 2014), lives in DC
Go to the profile of Kristina Johnson
Kristina Johnson
I write about agriculture and rural life in California.
Go to the profile of Brian Halweil
Brian Halweil
Food and drink chronicler, analyst and trend-spotter.