Co-working spaces are dead. Long live Kindworking spaces.

Let’s forget the ‘dog-eat-dog’ way of business. We need more places for dreamers to dream and serendipity to run wild.

Kai Brouwer
Published in
6 min readMar 8, 2017


Are you working on your dream company from home and miss having kindred spirits around to share victories, challenges and pains with? Or are you renting a desk at a trendy co-working space that has absolutely everything covered but lacks a soul?

You’re not alone.

Grab the rope ladder and climb up to our treehouse

We’re starting a new type of co-working community for a new breed of entrepreneurs over at Funbase HQ—in the beautiful city of Amsterdam.

A place where kindness meets business. ❤️️

That feels like home outside of home where you can be yourself, worry less and work on the stuff that’s in tune with your deeper needs. OK sure, not in an actual treehouse, but it definitely has that treehouse vibe.

Photo: Happy Startup Amsterdam meetup at the old Funbase HQ

You might think:

“Call it what you want, but aren’t there enough co-working spaces already? Why are you guys doing this?”

Well, mainly because we desperately need this ourselves.

We know all too well that starting up can be a lonely adventure.

And that it’s quite easy to sacrifice your own physical and mental wellbeing in order to achieve goals — whether it be skipping meals, not taking enough time to rest properly or being so stuck with your head in the clouds that you forget to spend time with family & friends.

Sustained exhaustion is not a badge of honor.

It’s a mark of stupidity.

—Jason Fried, founder & CEO at Basecamp

I learned this lesson the hard way. Here’s me at an Unknown Epic sunrise walk, realising I f’d up big time.

Before you know it, those precious little moments start passing you by. Moments that are actually quite !@#$’ing huge when you think about it.

It sounds so easy doesn’t it...

So our treehouse will be way more than just another fun place to work from. Already plenty of those around.

This will be a safe haven for dreamers to talk dreams.

A space to inspire you and give your project (and yourself) all the love it needs to flourish.
A refuge where you can discover and work on your deeper, nuclear powered needs — while surrounded by folk who think, speak and act from the heart.

People that, like yourself, are either building a business from their passion or helping others do so. A tribe of sparkly enthusiasts who want to do good and be healthier, happier, more centered humans in the process.

Think of it as a community where every single person is committed to improve the wellbeing of the group as a whole.

It could be by sharing just a bit of your own time or talent. As a mindfulness coach you could, for example, offer 30 minutes of gratefulness exercise to kick off the day. And someone starting a food catering business could prepare healthy lunch for everyone to nurture body & mind.

Because we believe that it gets easier to adopt good habits when you work on them together. In the same physical space. On a daily basis.

When work starts to feel like play

We wish to bring the treehouse concept to life in the new Funbase headquarters. A playful space built for you to tap into your natural sense of curiosity and wonder. Where you can easily enter that beautiful flow state, in which you’re fully immersed in a feeling of focus and enjoyment in the things you’re doing.

And where serendipitous encounters are bound to happen often.

My startup Funbase empowers young adults to reconnect with their inner child by offering them a safe space to play, be themselves and meet kindred spirits.

As some of you might know, we love to make work feel like play, so there’ll be plenty of ways for you to do the same if you wish. Heck, research even shows that it improves your overall wellbeing, creativity and productivity.

So how does a ball pit brainstorm sound? Or a board game at lunch?

“The opposite of play isn’t work, it’s depression”
— Brian Sutton-Smith

But ultimately the treehouse is about celebrating the highs together and best help each other through the lows. To make work feel effortless, in tune with our deeper needs and in perfect harmony with the rest of our lives.

Join a global tribe of dreamers that do

We’re proud to be part of the Happy Startup School global community. As a Summercamp veteran, home school alumnus and chapter leader of the Amsterdam meetup group I’m fully aligned with their vision to bring more happiness to this world through business.

The guidance, inspiration and deep sense of belonging that The Happy Startup School offers has been invaluable on our own journey of starting Funbase.

I want to help grow this global community and create a sustainable model that serves everyone. Having multiple global hubs like our new treehouse will surely make it happen!

The Happy Startup School offers all the inspiration & support you need to bring your ideas to life

We’d love to build it together with you

To ensure we can deliver on all of this we’ll carefully curate the people we invite to our treehouse. Like-minded, purpose driven folk with a nice mix of complementary skills is what we’re after.

And instead of us creating a polished version of this, we’d rather start building it together with you.

So, does all of this get you excited? 🙌 😀

And would you like to be one of 15 people to join the treehouse?

Then please read on.

The ideal treehouse candidate

The stage of your business/idea doesn’t matter to us.

What does matter:

  • You’re a kind person and feel out of place in the ‘dog-eat-dog’ business world
  • You’d rather collaborate with like-minds than compete to ‘kill’ the competition at all costs
  • You’re not in it to sell out, but to make a positive impact
  • You’re a rebel refusing to conform to existing conventions about work
  • You believe that showing vulnerability is strength, not weakness
  • You’re open-minded and want to grow

If this is you; please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Especially so if you’re active in any of these fields:

  • mindfulness
  • healthy food
  • play
  • education
  • sustainability
  • adventure / outdoors
  • gaming

Wish to join the treehouse?

You can apply here 👉

We’ll get back to you for a follow up as soon as we can.

Like to be updated?

Sign up to the treehouse email list so we can keep you in the loop.

You’re not alone. Trust me. (Photo: Happy Startup Summercamp 2015)

My name is Kai Brouwer and as Guardian of Play & co-founder of Funbase my mission is to protect playfulness whenever it’s threatened. And to nurture it when neglected.

Want to join our playful revolution? Get in touch.



Kai Brouwer

Co-founder of Funbase & Treehouse Tribe in Amsterdam. I’m at my happiest when I play, connect with like-minded people and go on adventures out in the mountains.