Function X: September Hash Out

Pundi AIFX
Pundi AIFX
Published in
6 min readSep 18, 2020

Testnet 2.0 is here. Now you will be able to create a blockchain and token in a few clicks!

Dear Function X members,

After a few weeks of development and internal testing, we are thrilled to present you the Testnet 2.0. In this version, users will be able to

  1. Scan QR code to login
  2. Build your own blockchain
  3. Set up validator nodes for FXCore and other user-generated blockchain

To make the process easy and effortless, the FX developers have optimized the login process for users to access Function X Cloud. Whether you set up a validator node for FXCore or create your own blockchain, you don’t need to remember ID and password anymore. All you need to do is to use your FX Connect App to scan the QR code to access. Easy, right?

Also thanks to your feedback, in Testnet 2.0, the theme of the user interface applies the dark mode, which can ease the stress of your eyes 👀 when using the FX Cloud platform.

Now let’s get started.

How to set up a validator for FXCore

In Testnet 2.0, the set-up procedure is slightly different than Testnet 1.0. You will find it is more intuitive and easier to log into and authorize the setup. Here is how.

  1. Download and install FX Connect App
  2. Use your desktop browser to go to and choose “Function X Coud”
  3. Scan the QR code to login
  4. Click “FXCORE” and click “Click Add New Node”

5. Fill in the node name and invite code (invite code is available for qualified users only. It has been sent to their email addresses). This is the standard node that you are about to create before setting up the validator node.

6. Wait a few minutes (sometimes the wait time will be longer when there are a lot of block data to sync)

7. Once the sync is completed, click the standard node and upgrade it to the validator node. Before proceeding to the next step, please make sure you have at least 100 fxcoin* in your FX Connect wallet app to stake. If you don’t have fxcoin, click the link to get the test coins.

Video: How to get fxcoin

8. Enter the amount of fxcoin for self-delegation.

9. Scan the QR code to authenticate the transaction. Make sure you choose the same public key associated with your validator address.

10. Done!

*Fxcoin is used on Function X testnet only. It has no value and cannot be publicly traded on any exchanges.

How to create a blockchain via FX Cloud

  1. Download and install FX Connect App
  2. Go to and choose “Function X Coud”
  3. Scan the QR code to login
  4. Click “Create a new blockchain”

5. Fill in all the required details, including set up for Genesis addresses, block creation speed, token name, token supply, validator setting…etc.

6. Activate your blockchain

7. Input the invitation code and use your FX Connect to authorize.

8. Set up an explorer and input your invitation code.

9. Done!

How to become a delegator

This is the easiest way to participate Function X Testnet. All you need to do is to install FX Connect and get the test coins to participate.

  1. Go to and install FX Connect App
  2. Get fxcoin
  3. Choose a validator to delegate your fxcoin.

Earn security bug bounty

Another major goal of conducting public testing of the new features is to find out any vulnerabilities that exist in the FX Connect app or the FX Cloud platform.

Minimum Payout: minimum 1000 FX for verified bugs and vulnerabilities (first come, first serve)

Maximum Payout: maximum payout 100K FX for finding significant security vulnerabilities

Significant security vulnerabilities include account takeover, remote code execution, full access to the database, and more. The Function X team will review, verify the bug submissions and decide the award at its own discretion. Once the vulnerability is verified, the submitter will be contacted by e-mail.The reward will be distributed via crypto gifts in the XWallet app.

We want to provide FX users the most secure service possible. If you find a bug or any issue, please report it here. This will greatly help us to improve the network.

There are some known issues we have for testnet 2.0:

  • Force quit after scanning QR code on selective phone models including Android OS 8.0 Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, iPhone 11, and more.
  • Failure to access after scanning QR code to login or authorize. The failure rate is 9% if using iOS version and 18% of using Android version.
  • The amount of fxcoin is unable to be updated on FXCloud after getting fxcoin from faucet on the page of upgrading standard nodes to the validator nodes. To solve this issue, users need to remove the chosen address and then re-add the address.
  • The date on the node performance monitoring chart is not complete on the page of FX Cloud.
  • Unresolved issues from testnet 1.0. For example, when the develgator chooses to withdraw awards or cancel the delegation, there’s no warning site of the insufficient amount to pay the fee resulting in the failure of the transaction.
  • In Testnet 2.0, we have adjusted the speed of the blockchain creation to further estimate the cost, speed v.s. the user experience and find out the balance. If you have participated in Testnet 1.0, you will feel the speed is slower than before.

Please note that reporting these known issues will not be qualified for the awards. Also, some participants may not be able to perform a thorough testing to stand a chance to win awards due to the issues above. For this, you can still participate as an FX promoter to stand a chance to win awards. All you need to do is to tag Function X official twitter account or facebook account to participate.

Awards for top 50 validators on FXCore

Function X Foundation has allocated 35,000 FX to top 50 FXCore Validators. Here is the chart of how the reward is distributed.

Special awards

Similar to Testnet 1.0, we allocated a total of 2,000 FX to 10 top contributors. The contribution includes top delegators, top feedback submitters, top FX Tesnet 2.0 promoters and more. Award announcement will be published on Oct 10, 2020.

Testing Period

Testnet 2.0 period will be from now to 16:59:59 GMT+8 on Sept 30, 2020.

We are speeding up our development if the testing goes well. Now sit back and enjoy the Function X Testnet 2.0!



Pundi AIFX
Pundi AIFX

Empowering users to contribute, secure and manage their AI data as intellectual property