First impression is everything

Why Futourist is the ultimate platform for businesses and its users

Anja Vidrih
Published in
6 min readJul 26, 2018


We all know the importance of making an impressionable mark on someone as we first encounter them by giving a firm enough handshake, maintaining eye contact and using the right body language. However, as the world is rapidly turning into a more and more digital one, gathering first impressions has also moved online as people often do a web search for a person or a business before actually encountering them in-person; studies show that 70–80% of people search for businesses online before actually visiting them. With this emerging trend of online first impressions, the representation of a business on the world wide web has started to play a key role in determining whether people will decide for their service or not, consequently crucially effecting the successfulness of businesses.

1. The critical 7 seconds

It only takes 7 seconds for people to create a first impression

Recognizing the extreme importance of first impressions in the digital world, businesses have no other choice but to try to represent themselves on the web as best as they know how to. However, many businesses might not be aware of just how little time they actually have to convince potential customers that their business is worth people’s time and money — according to research, it only takes 7 seconds for people to create a lasting first impression. So much to do, but so little time to do it! So, what is the best and quickest way to “wow” your potential customers?

2. The prettier, the better

Whether we admit it or not, most of us can’t help but “judge a book by its cover” — and how could we not, having only a few seconds to create an impression about someone or something. Recognizing this fact, let’s think about a potential customer visiting a business’ website with an outdated design and long, plain text without any added personal touches. Sounds pretty boring and not at all convincing, right? Now, imagine a potential customer visiting a website with a clean, beautiful and fresh look, presented in a modern and minimalistic design which just enough personalized touches for the user to get a feeling of the place they are about to visit. Needless to say, the first person would most likely keep searching for a better alternative, while the second one would quickly type the business’ address into GPS and excitedly rush to the place.

3. The right mix of business and pleasure

With such a small window of opportunity, it is that much more important for businesses to think wisely about how to establish a web presence that will leave people with a good enough impression to turn them into customers. Although a site might completely win over a potential customer in a visual sense, it is also as important that it provides just the right amount of business information that the customer needs, all packaged in a practical and enjoyable way — like for example the business’ address, presented on a map with an option of taking a closer look of the place’s outer appearance and its exact location; or business’ products and services, equipped with photo and video reviews from customers who have already visited their place. Or to add some more real-time fun, a live stream of what’s currently happening in the searched business.

4. The ultimate Business platform

Creating a page with everything needed for making the best possible first impression is demanding to say the least, not to mention extremely expensive. But what if there was a platform, where everything businesses need to impress their potential customers would already be set for them, waiting only for their final added personal touch? Futourist, the ultimate platform for businesses and its users will enable businesses, as well as the users, the best possible experience, provided with incredible design, the exactly right ratio between fun and informative, and so much more, all with the help of these amazing features:


Did you know that 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a businesses? Reviews will provide customers with solid social proof, build immediate trust, expand social reach, turn visitors into customers and at the same time provide businesses with valuable feedback, all of which will result in a raising number of satisfied customers and bigger revenues. If you want to learn more about the power of online reviews on the successfulness of businesses, we invite you to read our blog post.

Advanced Analytics

Advanced real-time analytics, presented in visually compelling tables and charts will help businesses gain knowledge about who their customer base is and what it needs, how to improve their customer service, predict new revenue streams and drive new profits by understanding what is going on in their business. To find out more on how data can help businesses grow, check-out our blog post.

Nearby Offers

Nearby offers will enable businesses to attract more customers by making special offers that will appear on the mobile screens of all those potential customers who will be in the near distance of the business, helping them gain greater visibility, improve their customers’ experiences, increase their operational efficiency and drive more revenue into their business. To find out more about why businesses need location-based marketing, read one of our latest blog posts.

As an ultimate bridge between businesses and users, Futourist will enable businesses to keep track of what’s happening in their business, recognize where there’s room for improvements and promote their business in the smoothest possible way.

At the same time, Futourist platform will enable businesses to provide the best possible experience for their users as they will be able to check out the businesses on their beautifully designed webpage, get all the needed information and gather an impression of an overall experience of their customers. What is more, businesses will be able to personalize their page according to their wants and needs in order to achieve a greater brand visibility and add just that last needed extra touch to convince the customers that their business is THE place to be.

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