Go to Future Horizons
Future Horizons
Future Horizons is dedicated to exploring the future through scenario explorations, trend analysis, surveying weak signals, and science-fiction to help individuals and organizations find and work towards their preferred future.
Note from the editor

Future Horizons is dedicated to exploring the future through scenario explorations, trend analysis, surveying weak signals, and science-fiction to help individuals and organizations find and work towards their preferred future.

Go to the profile of Dr. Edwin Alex Floate
Dr. Edwin Alex Floate
Professional futurist and consultant. Education and experience in social science, business, strategic leadership, and strategic foresight.
Go to the profile of Eli S. Margolese-Malin
Eli S. Margolese-Malin
Foresight analyst with ten years’ experience providing research and analyses for federal, nonprofit, private sector, and international clients.