Future of Blockchain 2: Tezos Winners

Future of Blockchain Competition
3 min readApr 28, 2020

As chronicled here, the Future of Blockchain University Competition final took place yesterday (Mon 27th April 2020) online. It could not have happened without the amazing support of our partners, particularly the Tezos Foundation, who were one of our Gold Partners.

About the Future of Blockchain University Competition

For those who aren’t already aware, Future of Blockchain is a long-form competition for those at the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, London, Berlin and others to build a blockchain project over 3 months. We attract students, researchers, alumni and leading developers. This year, we also received participants from outside our core universities, with submissions from the Universities of ETH Zurich, Rome, Stirling, Waterloo, Cape Town and Paris.



How does it work?

Participants had 3 months to either (November 2019 to March 2020).

More details can be found here.

A. Build their own project (General Challenge).

B. Answer a Sponsor Challenge (Partner Challenges).

Launch Events

Everything started with 4 Launch Events, in each of Oxford, Cambridge, London and Berlin.


During the competition, we help the participants every few weeks with workshops. In February, Pietro Abate from Nomadic Labs came to King’s College London to give an awesome technical deep-dive.

The Tezos Challenges

The Tezos team set three challenges to test the participant’s ability, creativity and to educate them about Tezos’ technology.

  1. Build a dAPP
  2. Build tools for Tezos
  3. Contribute to the Tezos codebase.

The Winners

1st Prize: Chain of Insight — A zero-knowledge encryption oracle and dApp.— 8000 Tez.

2nd Prize: dAirbnb — A Professor from Stirling University, a Senior Lecturer at University of Strathclyde and PhD from the University Ibn Tofail in Morocco who have built a decentralised property marketplace.— 4000 Tez.

3rd Prizes:

DeepVerse- A team of 3 Cambridge PhDs who have built a platform to train AI models collaboratively.

Q-Vote — A quadratic voting platform from a team of KCL students.

Tezos Care — IOT device that sends your GPS location to your entourage in an emergency.

TZ-Factor — Decentralised factoring for supply chains

2000 Tez each.

4th Prize: Tezos ETL — publically queryable blockchain explorer— 1000 Tez.

5th Prize: Tezmania — a Tezos javascript library — 500 Tez.

Consolation prizes: Bricks on Blocks, MimicStream, Oaten, JSECoin, Sprytech , Stream Harbour— all 250 Tez.

Watch the Final



