Prizes and Challenges: Future of Blockchain Competition 2

Future of Blockchain Competition
4 min readFeb 17, 2020

We’re about a month from the finish of Future of Blockchain 2!

As we mentioned in our post last week, the submission date is now 15th March 2020. We moved this later in order to secure an amazing venue for our Demo Day and Conference on Mon 27th April 2020.

There is still plenty of time to finish building (or start!). Here is a handy guide to help you build in the competition.

You can register for the competition anytime before the submission deadline (15th March).

About the Competition

You can participate in one of two ways:

  1. Answer a Partner Challenge
  2. Enter a project you’ve been working on such as a startup or research.(General Challenge)

For all participants, there is a £10k top prize available. For answering a Partner Challenge, there are individual prizes available.

To participate, you need to submit what you have built by the deadline (15th March) via this link. You can submit any of the following:

  • Online link to a demo
  • Video Demo
  • Codebase
  • Presentation
  • Technical Paper
  • If you want some help, look at the finalists from last year!


  • w/c 21st October 2019: Launch Events
  • 1st Nov 2019 to 15th March 2020: Build Period
  • 15th March 2020: Submission Date
  • 27th April 2020: Demo Day

The Challenges

  1. General: Build anything. Prize £10000.
  1. Build an asset creation and management platform on Algorand . Prize: 15000 Algos
  2. Build a metamask-like chrome extension for Algorand. Prize: 10000 Algos
  3. Develop a template explorer for Algorand’s Transaction Execution Approval Language (TEAL). Prize 10000 Algos
  1. Build a dapp on Tezos. Prize pool: 20000 XTZ
  2. Build tools for Tezos. Prize pool: 20000 XTZ
  3. Contribute to the Tezos codebase. Prize pool: 20000 XTZ
  1. Create a dapp that uses NEAR’s Single Single On. Prize: $100 for everyone who does this + $500 and 100 tokens if you use the account to store data against a NEAR account ID.
  2. Create a dapp on NEAR that focuses on user experience and ease of use. Prize: $5000 + 5000 NEAR tokens
  1. Build a subgraph to index smart contracts using The Graph. Prize: 2 bounties of 500 DAI
  2. Utilise an existing subgraph from Graph Explorer to build a front-end dapp. Prize: 4 bounties of 250 DAI each for the best use of a subgraph in a front-end dapp.
  1. Redesign an industry using blockchain for SAP. Prize: Internship in Germany with SAP.
  1. Join Oasis’ staking competition and run a node. Best performing node gets $1000.
  2. Create a confidential version of key DeFi tools using Oasis. Prize: $2000
  1. Include more complex behaviour into Zilliqa’s social pay. Prize: 1st: £3000, 2nd: £2000, 3rd: £1000 (across both Zilliqa challenges).
  2. Build social pay like functionality for another social media platform for Zilliqa. Prize: 1st: £3000, 2nd: £2000, 3rd: £1000 (across both Zilliqa challenges).
  1. Build an Ethereum dapp using Witnet. Prize: Top 3 receive £500 and other 7 will receive £100.
  2. Build a block explorer for Witnet. Prize: 1st: £2000, 2nd: £1000, 3rd: £500
  1. Develop a solution/migration for click fraud for Adex. Prize: £1.5k with additional £2k available for exceptional projects.
  1. Build a dapp on the permaweb using Arweave. Prizes: 1 x £3,000, 2 x £1,500 and every permaweb dApp will win $250 in ETH + 150 AR
  1. Develop a Visual Studio Professional, Code or other IDE extension for creating smart contract projects from templates in a similar manner as other project types supported by the IDE for Catalyst: Prize: £2500

Finding out more about the challenges

Find out more about the Challenges via this Medium article and this spreadsheet, which includes:

  • Longer descriptions on challenges
  • How to get started guides
  • Links to documentation
  • Contact details for Challenge Platforms

Late registrations

There is still time to enter, just register via this link.

Thank you to our partners for all their support!



