Future of Blockchain 2 Submissions

Future of Blockchain Competition
2 min readFeb 12, 2020

We’re more than two thirds through Future of Blockchain! It’s been a great ride so far and now we’re nearing submissions! Here’s everything you need to know.

Submission Date: 15th March 2020 (Yes we changed it, here’s why):

We’ve now confirmed the Demo Day for Mon 27th April 2020 at Bush House, KCL. We’re going to be running a conference on the same day (more details to follow :)). Since the Demo Day is later (one month to be exact) than originally planned (since we really wanted the Bush House venue), we’ve given everyone an extra few weeks to build. We got a lot of feedback from people this and last year that they struggled/they’re struggling to finish their projects in time so this should help.

You can register for the competition anytime before the submission deadline (15th March).

What do you need to submit and where:

Here is the link! You will need to submit:

  • Team Details
  • Description of your project
  • What challenge you did (General or Challenge)
  • What you’ve built*

*You submit your project in one (or more) of any of the following formats:

  • Online link to a demo
  • Video Demo
  • Codebase
  • Presentation
  • Technical Paper
  • If you want some help, look at the finalists from last year!

What comes next

  • If we have questions about your project, we’ll organise a 30 minute call.
  • We announce prizewinners on Demo Day on Mon 27th April at KCL.

Can I still enter if I haven’t already?

Yes! Anyone can still enter, just register here or email anthony@stakezero.com. We have over £250k in cash prizes available across the many challenges!

Details about challenges can be found on this medium post and this spreadsheet.


Email Anthony on anthony@stakezero.com

Thank you again to our fantastic partners

Algorand, Tezos, The Graph, NearProtocol, The Oasis Team, SAP, Zilliqa, Atlas City, AdEx, The Arweave Project, Witnet Foundation /👁/

