Why I Hate Coworking Spaces

Jake Peters
The Future of Work
2 min readJul 21, 2016


Yes. All coworking. I hate it. Even your awesome coworking space.

There’s clearly a huge trend towards coworking in the world right now. With the rise of huge remote companies and startups willing to take a bet on remote workers, people are longing for a sense of community.

I get it. But I still hate it.

The biggest issue is that—for me, at least—coworking isn’t actually working.

I’ve literally never had a successful experience in a coworking place. And I’ve tried loads!

Sure, the free coffee’s great. It’s awesome being able to connect with other people working on awesome projects that I otherwise wouldn’t have met.

As a social experience, it’s brilliant. As a working environment, it sucks.

A lot of the work I do right now is creative. I write copy, design ads and hack code.

I do my best creative work in the mornings. Usually before dawn. Before most souls are out of bed. Before some are even in bed.

It’s just how my brain works.

A bit groggy + very quiet === super creative

Add in some noisy coworkers and a bunch of caffeine, I’m a mess.

People are loud. People in coworking spaces especially so. Taking calls, interrupting people, playing foosball. Give me a break.

I can’t concentrate. My work suffers. I feel guilty for not working my best, but make no real effort to change it.

It’s the same way I feel when it’s noisy at home. For me, it’s just an untenable working environment.

Give me peace and quiet any day.

The point is, find out what works for you. Just because everyone else loves coworking, doesn’t mean you need to.

It’s great for a ton of people. For some of us, it sucks. Find where you work your best, and work will be a whole load easier.

I’m just a guy from the UK that’s okay at writing, better at startups, awesome at making coffee.

This is day 43 in a 365 day writing experiment. You can check out why I’m writing every day here.

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Jake Peters
The Future of Work

Co-CEO @HelpDocs (we’re hiring!). I live in hotels full-time and eat 6–12 meals/week. Queer, nonbinary, they/them. 💻 🍳 🏡 🏳️‍🌈 ✈️