Go to Future technology in government
Future technology in government
What impact will future technology, like AI and automation, have on government? Updates from the Institute for Government team working on this question.
Note from the editor

What impact will future technology, like AI and automation, have on government? Updates from the Institute for Government team working on this question.

Go to the profile of Gavin Freeguard
Gavin Freeguard
Freelance, gavinfreeguard.com. All things (usually government) data. Dataviz etc newsletter at twitter.com/WarningGraphicC.
Go to the profile of Lewis Lloyd
Lewis Lloyd
Researcher on tech and bits of Brexit at the Institute for Government
Go to the profile of Marcus Shepheard
Go to the profile of Pritesh Mistry
Go to the profile of Marcus Shepheard
Marcus Shepheard
Science and policy