Exponential Transformation

David Alayón
Future Today
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2018

Today we speak with total naturalness about exponential technologies and organizations. We owe the exponential mindset to the singularity ecosystem and Ray Kurzweil, but the application to organizations was coined by Salim Ismail, Michael S. Malone and Yuri van Geest in their book “Exponential Organizations” (2014). We already talked about them when we reflect on the subject of Exponential Thinking. If you are really interested, here you can find a presentation by Yuri van Geest that perfectly explains the concept.

These theories materialized in ExO Works, a company that provides organizations with the training, framework and support they need to compete and succeed with the fastest growing companies in the world, while developing a portfolio of initiatives capable of moving the needle for even the largest organizations. They use different tools to do this: ExO Sprint, ExO Inspire Workshop, ExO Collective Intelligence Swarm… To disarm the “corporate immune system” and make the mindset change from scarcity to abundance, developing internal innovation capabilities.

A a good friend, Sole, told me they have recently taken a next step in their own evolution, creating ExOlever, an ecosystem of exponential transformation that has on one side the new book they will launch on September 25th (tomorrow!); a community formed by the different stakeholders that make exponential transformation possible; and finally a technological platform that offers the necessary tools for it (TaaS, Transformation as a Service). Below you can watch the webinar they did to present the concept.

What I find most interesting is to take the ExO concept to an open environment, launch it in a Open Source format, as the Business Model Canvas, Design Thinking and Lean Start-up did. You can download the presentations of the webinar in this link and a summary of the ExO Sprint (30 pages) in this one. The best of luck!

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David Alayón
Future Today

Creative Technology Officer & Co-founder @Innuba_es @Mindset_tech · Partner @GuudTV @darwinsnoise · Professor @IEBSchool @DICeducacion · Mentor @ConectorSpain