SuperNova, the festival of the future

David Alayón
Future Today
Published in
1 min readNov 27, 2018

A few days ago I shared with you the Disruptive Innovation Festival (DIF), a futuristic event focused on circular economy. Today I bring you another event: SuperNova. This year the annual Creativity World Forum (CWF), one of the largest conferences on creativity and innovation throughout the world, takes place in Antwerp (27–30 September 2018) and exceptionally expands to SuperNova, the festival of the future.

SuperNova brings together opinion leaders, entrepreneurs and creatives from around the world to share their visions and ideas about the technology, industries and companies of the future. The last edition took place at the end of September and all the videos from the speakers have already been uploaded. You will find really interesting presentations from people like Seth Godin or Neil Harbisson, but I want to highlight Ray Kurzweil’s on the future of intelligence, artificial and natural.

Very interesting, Kurzweil never disappoints. You have all the presentations in their YouTube channel and in this website you can relive the event with videos, photos and numbers.

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David Alayón
Future Today

Creative Technology Officer & Co-founder @Innuba_es @Mindset_tech · Partner @GuudTV @darwinsnoise · Professor @IEBSchool @DICeducacion · Mentor @ConectorSpain