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Future Times
From your epic ride in a flying Uber, to defending hacks from your coffee maker, to the coolest robots in town, FutureTimes brings you the founders, funders and innovation making sci fi a reality.
Note from the editor

From your epic ride in a flying Uber, to defending hacks from your coffee maker, to the coolest robots in town, FutureTimes brings you the founders, funders and innovation making sci fi a reality.

Go to the profile of Martine Paris
Martine Paris
Forbes contributor and freelance tech reporter for Fast Company, VentureBeat, CoinDesk, Pocket Gamer and more: muckrack.com/martineparis
Go to the profile of Martine Paris
Martine Paris
Forbes contributor and freelance tech reporter for Fast Company, VentureBeat, CoinDesk, Pocket Gamer and more: muckrack.com/martineparis