Go to Gakko
Creativity and heart to learning. We empower students with our acclaimed summer camps — curated in Japan and the U.S.; immersive NYC-based afterschool courses in music and technology; and a digital learning studio — launching MojiMoji for the preschool set.
Note from the editor

Creativity and heart to learning. We empower students with our acclaimed summer camps — curated in Japan and the U.S.; immersive NYC-based afterschool courses in music and technology; and a digital learning studio — launching MojiMoji for the preschool set.

Go to the profile of Kenta Koga
Kenta Koga
Yale University/ Computer Science/ Professional Magician/ GAKKO
Go to the profile of Natalie Akers
Natalie Akers
Reading about agriculture, secondary ed, entrepreneurship in and around the rust belt, and snow. Writing about summer camp.
Go to the profile of Zoe Lockard