Go to Gamais ITB
Gamais ITB
Keluarga Mahasiswa Islam, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Note from the editor

Keluarga Mahasiswa Islam, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Go to the profile of Gamais ITB
Gamais ITB
Keluarga Mahasiswa Islam ITB | #TransformasiProgresif
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Go to the profile of Ahmad Wali Radhi
Ahmad Wali Radhi
“Aku bukanlah seorang anak raja, maka aku pun menulis!”
Go to the profile of Afif Pajar
Afif Pajar
Learn and leverage | Into product, tech, social sciences, and self-development | Catch me up on afif.pajar@gmail.com
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Go to the profile of Safira Elzahra
Go to the profile of Bopung Pembelajar
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Go to the profile of Aulia Gading
Aulia Gading
as — itb
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Go to the profile of Naufal Harits M
Naufal Harits M
Berkelana sambil rebahan mencari pengetahuan
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Go to the profile of amiinaimah
calon penghuni negeri akhirat yang hidup dengan dua janji mengikat
Go to the profile of Muhammad Iqbal
Muhammad Iqbal
Penulis lepas, Seniman lepas, Mahasiswa angkatan 2019 Arsitektur Universitas Gadjah Mada. Halo, Assalamu’alaikum, Salam kenal!
Go to the profile of Ilma Aliya Fiddien
Ilma Aliya Fiddien
towards virtue | more at fiddien.com
Go to the profile of Wiwit S.N
Wiwit S.N
UI/UX Designer team at Software House. Very excited to learn all about Digital Product Development, Research & System Analyst.
Go to the profile of Ahmad Zaki
Go to the profile of Siswa Bodoh
Siswa Bodoh
Kerja kuda bagai lembur
Go to the profile of Khazanah Fadhilah Nurrahmah
Khazanah Fadhilah Nurrahmah
Future Muslimah Astronaut and Writer of The Universe
Go to the profile of Wolkiiy
Go to the profile of Nasrul Ikhwan
Nasrul Ikhwan
Lebih visual di IG @nasrul_iwn