Construction Workflow: How to Improve Efficiency of Your Projects

GanttPRO Gantt chart maker
Published in
5 min readApr 21, 2023
Construction workflow, GanttPRO review

If you deal with a construction workflow, your project tasks and data move from one step and person to the next.

Construction projects may involve many specific workflows. Each of them costs money, requires specific resources, and takes time.

Poorly planned workflows may cause chaos, construction project delays, team discord, and contract terminations.

Let’s explore different construction workflows and how to improve them with the help of online construction scheduling software.

Construction workflow definition

A construction project management workflow is a planned sequence of tasks and activities you need to do to complete a specific project.

Having a clear order of tasks in your construction management workflow will help projects get done more efficiently.

You should care about choosing appropriate workflows to succeed in construction.

Consider the following benefits a well-thought-out construction workflow provides.

Advantages of construction workflows

Top Construction workflows you may use right away

It is possible to track tasks and control your daily construction activities even using a simple construction project checklist. However, to reach professional heights and manage projects in the right manner, you should consider workflow management and its aspects.

There are multiple workflow styles to choose from. Which workflow should you select?

Construction workflow 1. Preconstruction

A preconstruction workflow contains a range of processes that happen prior to the actual construction project. It usually involves:

  • project planning.
  • design.
  • procurement.
  • regulatory compliance.
  • risk management.
  • cost estimation, etc.

Construction PMs strive to control every stage and get everyone on the same page. Therefore they organize all necessary data to commence the project on the right foot. They use a predefined workflow for planning and scheduling processes. It prevents mistakes in future project management activities.

By creating a preconstruction workflow, you’ll get quite predictable results and happy clients.

Ways to improve preconstruction workflows

  • All data in a centralized place

Construction teams used to store their business data in many places. However, an appropriate project planning system can help centralize all info in a single source of truth.

GanttPRO Gantt chart maker online is one of the best examples.

Preconstruction workflow management wirh GanttPRO

The tool provides a set of advanced features that let construction teams create and control plans and schedules even for the most complex projects.

  • Workflow automating and integrating

Integrated workflows can be quickly reviewed by the team while mails and manual processes often leave employees out of the loop. Professional construction scheduling tools help project teams to get the same information and updates during project stages, from preconstruction to closeout.

GanttPRO helps to improve communication. It allows for receiving notifications, leaving comments, and adding attachments.

  • Making connection between plans and actual work

A well-chosen digital solution is what you need to let your construction team seamlessly store preconstruction docs and data like schemes, bid details, estimations, designs, and more once actual construction starts.

Construction workflow 2. Submittals

Submittals provide a clear explanation of how something should be applied or set up.

This construction workflow can include processes, methods, deliverables, a product, and a sample used on your project. They can also include material samples, specification documents, installation instructions for equipment, shop drawings, printed brochures, and so on.

You may use submittals to support construction quality purposes and provide evidence of compliance with building regulations.

Ways to improve Submittals workflows

  • Evaluating submittal processes

Evaluating the workflow will ensure that all work processes are efficient. This can include tracking metrics, feedback from your construction team, and implementing improvements based on lessons learned.

  • Making submittal schedules clear

Establishing a clear submittal schedule with milestones and deadlines will help ensure that all required information is submitted on time and that the workflow is healthy.

  • Digital tracking

Tracking submittals in one digital system will allow you to initiate requests, manage approvals, and sync critical data to mobile devices for offline access.

If you select professional construction project management software, you’ll get real-time tracking, electronic approvals, and automated reminders.

Construction workflow 3. BIM

BIM (building information modeling) is a type of construction workflow that means creating and managing digital representations of the physical and functional characteristics of places.

It offers a 3D model that integrates the data about the building’s materials, geometry, construction methods, and performance info. All this can be shared among project stakeholders, including owners, architects, engineers, and contractors.

This construction workflow strategy saves effort and time, but only when it is used in the right manner.

Ways to improve BIM workflows

  • Connecting BIM data

Connect your BIM data to other workflows. It will maximize its use and ensure accuracy. You’ll be able to decrease risks and accelerate efficiency during the planning and execution stages.

  • Using a common data environment

Use a cloud-based BIM to have a common system and avoid missing information. It will show you what’s already been uploaded or not. It will also allow for easier tracking of duplicate docs.

  • Clear standards

Following clear standards for the building information modeling workflow implementation will help ensure consistency and efficiency. It includes model coordination, file management, and communication protocols.

  • Enhancing accessibility

BIM workflows are more effective when you improve accessibility in the field. Provide your team members with immediate access to all essential operations.

For example, using GanttPROm you can give your workers access to real-time planning statuses.

Keep your construction workflow healthy and efficient

Changes don’t happen with the snap of the fingers. Do not expect your construction company to fine-tune all the workflows immediately.

Get started with improving your construction project workflows with the help of GanttPRO. The platform offers many progressive features and friendly tools to help you perfect your workflows in a short period and without pain.

Would you like to explore more construction workflows that can be useful for your business? Feel free to read the full version of this article: 5 Construction Workflows for Your Projects

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