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Computer Science

Ganzfried Gleans
Ganzfried Gleans
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Basic game theory fact that many people get wrong

Consider an imperfect-information extensive-form game, such as poker. We know that every such game has at least one Nash equilibrium, by Nash’s existence theorem. (Technically Nash’s theorem applies just to perfect-information normal-form…

(Desk) rejected!!!

The conference NeurIPS instituted a new reviewing policy this year:

“In order to cope with the growing number of submissions, this year we will adopt an “early desk-reject” process involving only Area Chairs and Senior Area Chairs. Area Chairs will be responsible for…

Who will solve P vs. NP?

The P vs. NP problem has been singled out as one of the most challenging open problems in mathematics/computer science, and carries a $1M prize for the first correct solution. It is considered by many to be the single most important open problem in computer science. It was first…