Poetry: A Kinship with the Sea

Soulful Tides: Poetry by the Ocean’s Edge

Dancing waves and concealed depths

Ravindra Kumar Karnani
Garden of Neuro


Poet watches the sunset over the horizon.
Picture by : M. Nilov: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-of-a-person-standing-on-water-during-sunset-6964928/

Upon the shore, where ocean meets the sky,
I stand, a poet with a yearning eye.
The vast expanse unfolds, a canvas grand,
Where sun bleeds gold across the final strand.

Sweat beads upon my brow, a silent plea,
To capture beauty in a poem’s decree.
The sea’s embrace extends beyond the sight,
A mirror to my soul, in shades of light.

Melancholy whispers in the ocean’s sigh,
A kinship felt beneath my watchful eye.
For though the waves may dance in shimmering crest,
Their depths hold darkness, where secrets rest.

Like ocean’s heart, my inner world conceals,
A hidden beauty that to darkness kneels.
The closer one may delve, the deeper grows the pain,
A sorrow shared by both the sea and rain.

And strangers, drawn to gaze into my soul,
May sense the presage, the untold toll.
For in the depths, where truth and beauty meet,
A shared thoughtful echo will repeat.

Thanks Hugo Baskervile, your poem “The resemblance.” inspired this poem.



Ravindra Kumar Karnani
Garden of Neuro

I am 72+ retired residing in Kolkata India. I write for pleasure. I have a flair for writing, both in Hindi and English. Writing poetry is my passion.