Gathi Does Good 2020: Donating Time and Essential Supplies

Alex Avery
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2020

2020 is a year of coming to the aide of others and lending a hand wherever possible. For Gathi, this means finding ways to help those locally and abroad. Gathi Analytics, a boutique Enterprise Data Management company based in Dublin, OH, has employees based in both Ohio and Hyderabad, India.

The team at Gathi Analytics, under the leadership of CEO, Vamsi Kora, have donated their time and money to help several causes during this pandemic. Two major efforts include their work with United Way of Hyderabad (see link for full write-up) as well as the donation of PPE to Gandhi Hospital.

Gathi’s Donation to Gandhi Hospital

“As the world is faced with the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it requires every section of the society to rise up to the challenge. Gathi Analytics stands with the community, especially the vulnerable sections of our society who are at more risk and in need of support.

All the team members of Gathi in India and US contributed 3 days of their salaries and Company matched their contribution 1:1. We worked with our CSR partner Robinhood Army in donating Food supplies for families who are in need of food essentials,” says Vamsi Kora, CEO Gathi Analytics.

A write-up was published regarding the PPE donation. The original article was published in India here (Source). The English translation is outlined below.

“Public and private corporates have come forward to contribute their share to the services of doctors. Personal protection equipment kits required for medical services were handed over to Gandhi Hospital on Tuesday presenting a certificate of gratitude to the donor.

Gathi Analytics donated non-surgical open masks, latest examination glasses, facial tissue papers, goggles, etc., to Gandhi Hospital.

Superintendent Shravan Kumar said that the assistance provided is commendable and the equipment would help provide better medical care to the victims and the hospital would like to thank the donors on behalf of the hospital.”

Working with United Way Hyderabad — Improving their Ability to Accept Donations

The Gathi team donated development hours to build a custom web application to help automate some of the tasks associated with accepting cash donations — saving dozens of hours each week. These offline donations account for roughly 75% of overall donations, making this effort a highly-valuable one for the organization.

Check out this article for a more detailed look at this project.



Alex Avery
Editor for

Proud papa of two boys. Future husband of Courtney. Passions: retail, analytics, design, and creative.