Deborah Oluwabunmi Joseph
GDG Ibadan’s Blog
4 min readAug 20, 2019

There is an established fact that when you find yourself in the tech field there is always something new you can be better at doing. You will always want to move to the next level and be celebrated for your success or achievements in the tech field…but how will you achieve this? Yes, you have set goals on how you think you can achieve mastery but you are still on the same level. No qualms, Google developer group has got you covered.

As a member of Google Developer Group Ibadan, we are responsible for your growth in tech as a developer or professionals in tech and that is the reason for this article.

You don’t know where to start from?

We understand that you want to learn a tech skill because that is what is threading now “everyone wants to code”. Here are some of the tech skills you can learn;

  1. Data Science/ Data Analysis
  2. Web Development
  3. Android/ IOS development
  4. Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning
  5. Digital Marketing, etc

To know a wider range of options to choose from you can check on medium at datadriveninvestor or

Great! you have decided on what to learn, here is your next move… Where do you learn the skill? Learn online!

Here are top websites you can learn the skill of your choice for free;

Data Science

Learn more on medium — Data Science

Web Development

Android Development

Artificial Intelligence/ Machine learning

Digital Marketing

You have learnt a tech skill:

How do you take what you have learnt online to applying it to where such skill is needed? Here are your next moves;

  1. Projects : The best way to learn and master any skill is by working on projects.You need to do as many projects as you can to attain mastery, try to replicate projects experts or others in the field has done.
  2. Social Media : Tell the world what you can do, show case your projects on your social media pages e.g Twitter or LinkedIn.
  3. Try getting a job : Below are some of the sites you can get a remote or freelance job;


4. Also engage yourself in learning from the expert in that tech field, attend meetups, conference…then you will be the next expert to be celebrated in tech.

Now an expert:

Well done on your journey so far, you have learnt and done a lot. You are probably one of the best developer we celebrate today. Here are your next moves;

  1. Be paid higher : Get employed in one of the best tech companies in the world.
  2. Give back to the community: Give back to the community by mentoring someone or many, teach them how to be a tech savvy like you.
  3. Become a leader : Collaborate with others in organizing tech events, volunteer to speak at tech events and share your success story with others in your community.


You are not a member of GDG_Ibadan and you are wandering how to join, you can join our whatsapp group , our telegram group , follow us on twitter GDG Ibadan or check the Google Developer Group nearest to you.

In Conclusion

“Action is the foundational key to all success.” — Pablo Picasso…Take the necessary action today and be better at what you do or would like to do.

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We would love to hear about your progress or challenges, feel free to drop your comments. Thanks!

