Google Developers Group Nairobi is a community-focused publication based on GDG Nairobi, an open and volunteer geek community who creates exciting projects and share experiences about Google technology with the passion.
Note from the editor

Google Developers Group Nairobi is a community-focused publication based on GDG Nairobi, an open and volunteer geek community who creates exciting projects and share experiences about Google technology with the passion.

Go to the profile of Roina Atieno Ochieng
Go to the profile of Roina Ochieng
Roina Ochieng
Lead Technical Product Manager at Food For Education.
Go to the profile of Ngesa Marvin 10x
Ngesa Marvin 10x
Electronic Engineer. Engineering Manager. AI Innovator, Intel. Grew @LiquidInTech, Deep Learning Abantu. Wabi -Sabi. #AI #Cloud #5G Freak. Opinions are my own
Go to the profile of irene onyango
Go to the profile of Velda Kiara
Velda Kiara
Software Developer and Technical Writer
Go to the profile of Cindy Kandie
Cindy Kandie
I'm a frontend developer & blogger who loves the vast world of CSS. Here, I share my insights and tips on mastering CSS, from the basics to advanced techniques.
Go to the profile of Mercy Kwambai
Mercy Kwambai
Product & UX Research | Human-Centered Design