One month in a flash! All GDG happenings in Singapore for the month of May

GDG Singapore
Published in
5 min readJun 2, 2020
source: pixabay, author: ooceey

What a month May was! This month, GDG Singapore and GDG Cloud Singapore went into overdrive, with multiple online events spanning over the entire month!

Missed out some of the events? Or perhaps you’re looking to relive some of the exciting moments we had this month? Look no further, let’s recap what happened in May! 🕺

Chrome Dev Summit 2020 — 2nd May 2020

Kicking off the month of May, we had the long-awaited Chrome Dev Summit 2020 (Part 1!) organized by GDG Singapore, and three very experienced speakers sharing with us their expertise.

To start off the event, we had Pankaj Parkar. With his topic, “Evolution of Web and Where it is Heading”, he delivered a rundown on the history of web development, to what it is today, and what to look at for in the future:

You can also view a summary writeup of his talk here.

Continuing to the next speaker, we have Dmytro Olefyrenko, who shared with us on tips on building a good PWA, via his topic “Best Practices for Building Progressive Web Apps”:

A summary writeup on Dmytro Olefyrenko’s talk is available here.

Last but not least, we have Henry Lim, who spoke about Chrome Dev Tools and highlighting how we can be more effective web developers, from his topic “Building a Better Website with Chrome Dev Tools”:

A summary of Henry’s heart-throbbing talk can be found here.

Webinar #2, GKE Features — 7th May 2020

In the second installment of the webinar series by GDG Cloud Singapore, we explored on various GKE features with our speaker and GDG Cloud Singapore organiser extraordinaire, Harizuan!

In the event, we continue with our updates with Human RSS, highlighting exciting paradigm shift for GKE, with Anthos supporting integration towards fellow cloud provider Amazon Web Services. We also shared some tips for maintaining your own Kubernetes clusters, on what is meant by graceful shutdowns and how to integrate this concept into your clusters.

Watch the entire webinar, as recorded here:

Timeline for the starting points for each speaker:

  1. 14:41 — Shiny New Stuff in GCP, Human RSS, by Weiyuan Liu
  2. 20:31 — Tips and Tricks, Human RSS, by Weiyuan Liu
  3. 25:30 — Community Content, Human RSS, by Weiyuan Liu
  4. 30:55 — The Learning Corner, Human RSS, by Weiyuan Liu
  5. 34:08— Interesting Features in GKE, by Hairizuan Noorazman

ML Developer Day — 9th May 2020

Continuing on the momentum, we have ML Developer Day, organised by GDG Singapore. Once again, we have three speakers, who shared with us their expertise in Machine Learning and discussed on various topics.

From our sister group, GDG Cocody, it was a pleasure to have one of the oraganisers, Armel Yara. See his talk, “The Day’s Machine Learning”, in the video below:

Next up, we were able to learn from Guan Wang, a current Google Developer Expert in Machine learning. In his discussion, we learnt about his process of building a chatbot, from his topic, “Building a Chinese Chatbot: Data, Algorithms and Tools”:

To end off the festivities, we were delighted to have Archana Iyer, a Research Engineer and Graduate Student at NUS. She shared with the audience on her knowledge on neural networks, via her topic “Quantizing Neural Networks Using TensorFlow’s Model Optimization Toolkit”:

Android 11 Chat — 16th May 2020

With Android 11 hot on the heels, to be released in the early half of June, GDG Singapore organized Android 11 Chat, to touch on the important gotchas before the new changes hit the shelves.

Three speakers led this event, providing the crucial information on a multitude of topics on Android 11. A Q&A and discussion were also done at the end of the event, to understand the speakers’ perspectives of this release.

View the entire event, as recorded here on Youtube:

Timeline for the starting points for each speaker:

  1. 0:29 — Introduction to Privacy Changes & Permission Changes, by Marcel Pinto
  2. 20:23 — App Compatibility, by Xiaodao Wu
  3. 32:49 — System UI Improvements, by Marcel Pinto
  4. 41:28 — Other Important Changes, by Xiaodao Wu
  5. Video — Q&A and Chat, by Marcel Pinto, Xiaodao Wu, and Saurabh Arora

Webinar #3, BigQuery Night — 21st May 2020

In the third installment of the webinar series, GDG Cloud Singapore brought to us BigQuery Night, where we learned about BigQuery and how to use it with Data Studio.

Starting off with the regular segment of Human RSS, we discussed the new features from Google Cloud. VPC support for Cloud Run was a piece of exciting news to share, which opened up many more doors to using this serverless tool. There were also several Qwiklabs-led speedrun challenges — badges to be achieved for each of them!

To round off the theme of BigQuery Night, our fellow organizer and resident BigQuery expert, Akilesh, walked us through on how we could efficiently use BigQuery, and also creating visual dashboards in Data Studio with ease.

See the entire event here:

Timeline for the starting points for each speaker:

  1. 16:24 —Shiny New Stuff in GCP, Human RSS, by Weiyuan Liu
  2. 21:28 — Tips and Tricks, Human RSS, by Hairizuan Noorazman
  3. 27:14 — Community Content, Human RSS, by Hairizuan Noorazman
  4. 29:51 — The Learning Corner, Human RSS, by Weiyuan Liu
  5. 34:34 — Data Exploration Using BigQuery and Data Studio, by Akilesh Raj

Developers Meetup: Google Cloud Use Cases & Applications — 29th May 2020

Ending off the month of June, we have our of organizers and developer experts from GDG Cloud Singapore, who spoke about various Google Cloud Technologies. This was an event organized by SGInnovate.

Starting off the event, we have Hairizuan, who spoke about Cloud Run and how it can be used (as well as demonstrating it!). Passing the baton, Akilesh followed with a fantastic rundown on BigQuery and using it with Data Studio. Ending off the discussions, Weiyuan shared on how KMS and Secret Manager can be used in conjunction with serverless tools in Google Cloud.

See the entire event, as recorded, here:

Timeline for the starting points for each speaker:

  1. 1:20 — Introduction to Google Cloud Run, by Hairizuan Noorazman
  2. 23:18 — Data Exploration Using BigQuery and Data Studio, by Akilesh Raj
  3. 49:44 — Managing and Deploying Secrets with KMS and Secret Manager in Google Cloud, by Weiyuan Liu

Upcoming Events

We have more events in store, coming out in the month of June! Stay tuned for these events:

4th JuneWebinar #4, Serverless, by GDG Cloud Singapore

18th June — Webinar #5, TBA, by GDG Cloud Singapore

With that, we have come to the end of all the events that happened in May!

Do follow our meetup pages, GDG Singapore and GDG Cloud Singapore, to get the latest news of our events as they are announced!

See you all around in the month of June! Ciao~



GDG Singapore

Senior Engineering Manager, Ascenda Loyalty | Former Engineering Manager, Grab | Former Director of Engineering, ZilLearn |