Go to Geeks Ltd
Geeks Ltd
As technology professionals with a strong software delivery heritage, we create technology roadmaps that are aligned with our clients’ business plans. We deliver them on time and budget, and in smart and innoavtive ways.
Note from the editor

As technology professionals with a strong software delivery heritage, we create technology roadmaps that are aligned with our clients’ business plans. We deliver them on time and budget, and in smart and innoavtive ways.

Go to the profile of Katie Parker
Katie Parker
Marketing Manager @ Geeks — the dependable technology partner for ambitious businesses
Go to the profile of Somayeh Aghnia
Somayeh Aghnia
CEO @ Geeks Ltd
Go to the profile of Paymon Khamooshi
Go to the profile of Lindsay Jessup
Lindsay Jessup
COO at Geeks Ltd, a leading software development company in the UK.