Go to Other Voices
Other Voices
A sanctuary for orphaned poems and prose.
Note from the editor

A sanctuary for orphaned poems and prose. Just “a place for our stuff.” More and more of my work will be published here. I like to control the release of my works. Many publications are too busy to publish quickly. Please consider following. Free always.

Go to the profile of Mike Essig
Mike Essig
Honorary Schizophrenic. Recent refugee. Displaced person. Old white male. Confidant of cassowaries.
Go to the profile of White Feather
White Feather
Earthling — Lifelong novelist & essayist — https://whitefeather.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Zev
bring me to where my blood runs
Go to the profile of Tyrone Graham
Tyrone Graham
In the beginning was the word. And I got paid for it.
Go to the profile of Jim Litwin
Go to the profile of Pam: Early Onset Spouse
Pam: Early Onset Spouse
Healthy, usually happy, wife to Rick who has Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease. Daughter to dad w/AD. Figuring it out as we go along. www.earlyonsetspouse.com
Go to the profile of LodFod
Aspiring jazz pianist & computer scientist.
Go to the profile of Ashlei Cox
Ashlei Cox
There’s you, me, and us; and we’ve all got instagram.
Go to the profile of Efe Nakpodia
Efe Nakpodia
—i am an imagist • iDream • outLOUD • my third book of poetry titled “White Noise and Third Wheels” is now available on Amazon:) xoxo
Go to the profile of Dewi
Go to the profile of Danna Reich Colman
Danna Reich Colman
Writer, author and copyeditor. “What doesn’t kill us gives us something new to write about” ~ J. Wright
Go to the profile of Stephen M. Tomic
Stephen M. Tomic
Fiction writer, Founder and Editor of The Junction : smtomic@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Jack Herlocker
Jack Herlocker
Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.
Go to the profile of JusTeeJo
One day at a time- but learning as I go. Read and write to expand my thoughts.
Go to the profile of Betta Tryptophan
Betta Tryptophan
Blue-haired middle-aged lady with a tendency to say socially and politically incorrect things and to make inappropriate jokes. Awkward and (sort of) proud of it
Go to the profile of Dennett
I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.
Go to the profile of Shirley Jimenez
Shirley Jimenez
A hopeless writer who just want to share a thought, experiences on what she's seeing in her own eyes.
Go to the profile of Randomly Me
Randomly Me
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. ~Lao Tzu
Go to the profile of Lisa Renee
Go to the profile of Jake
I want to write the words I wish were written for me. For those dark moments I kept to myself and insisted on standing alone — even though I never really was.
Go to the profile of Lori McCray
Lori McCray
Photographer, Poet, Musician, Mother, Mystic, Gardener, friend of wild creatures, swan whisperer. Find me on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wingthing/
Go to the profile of Zelda Pinwheel
Go to the profile of Jess Kaisk
Jess Kaisk
You're lucky if I put my book down…
Go to the profile of Rachel Darnall
Rachel Darnall
Christian, wife, mom, writer. Writing “Daughters of Sarah,” a book on women and Christian liberty.
Go to the profile of Rachel B. Baxter
Rachel B. Baxter
A few good stories, a thousand different versions. My dreams are written in form. Author of Mother Scorpion. http://rbbaxter.com
Go to the profile of Kittie Phoenix
Kittie Phoenix
Teacher | Writer | Parent | Spouse | Thinker | Dreamer | Wanderer | Mischief Explorer | Country Mouse (more tags to follow over time)
Go to the profile of Aura Wilming
Aura Wilming
Writer of fiction, blogs and erotica. Frequency in that order. Popularity in reverse.
Go to the profile of Mary L. Holden
Mary L. Holden
A constantly evaporating editor and writer. Believer in medium since 2013 when they made me wait for an invitation….
Go to the profile of Christopher Raley
Christopher Raley
Poems and photos. Contact me at topher.raley35@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Howard Lieberman
Go to the profile of Kady M.
Kady M.
Free markets/free minds. Question all narratives. If you think one political party is perfect and the other party is evil, the problem with our politics is you.
Go to the profile of Emanuel Mwangi
Go to the profile of Heath ዟ
Heath ዟ
Destroyed. Rebuilt. Broken, Mended. Annihilated. Remade. Nothing special.
Go to the profile of Joaquim Bento
Go to the profile of Indu KS
Indu KS
I just hope this will all be worth something in the end.
Go to the profile of Kathleen Clarke Anderson
Kathleen Clarke Anderson
“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.” Sylvia Plath
Go to the profile of Lucy Darlington
Go to the profile of Notorious Gregorious
Go to the profile of Johannes Seikowsky
Johannes Seikowsky
Writing code and words. Interested in many things.
Go to the profile of Kevin Bergen, MFT
Kevin Bergen, MFT
I help people ACHIEVE! Whether you’re an artist, entrepreneur, or addict, I’ll show you how to reach what YOU deem to be success.
Go to the profile of Darryl Willis
Darryl Willis
Has worked in non-profits for 40 years and is currently a Regional Director for an international non-profit. He holds an MA in Biblical text.
Go to the profile of Jeffrey Field
Jeffrey Field
It ain't what you think. Former newsman, car salesman, teacher. Everything is Thou, if you so allow it. You can find some of it at https://youtu.be/w6RtVjMDHzE
Go to the profile of Daniel Roxas
Daniel Roxas
Language Enthusiast /Writer/ 19
Go to the profile of Sana Rajar
Sana Rajar
Everything else is temporary, what lasts is the words. https://sanarajarsite.wordpress.com
Go to the profile of Brian Brewington
Brian Brewington
Writing About the Human Condition, via My Thoughts, Observations, Experiences, and Opinions — Founder of Journal of Journeys and BRB INC ©
Go to the profile of Keijo K.
Go to the profile of SouthpawPoet
The Left Hand of God is a Poet. Happy in the humble service of the Word.
Go to the profile of Michael Holuj
Michael Holuj
Canadian psychotherapist.
Go to the profile of Vico Biscotti
Vico Biscotti
Engineer, rebooting from crash. Jack of all mistakes. viconotes.com
Go to the profile of Forrest Brown
Forrest Brown
Forrest Brown writes about the intersections of the climate crisis, class struggle, and technology. He lives in Decatur, GA with his wife and cats.
Go to the profile of Shawn Keller
Go to the profile of Dermott Hayes
Dermott Hayes
Novellist, poet, blogger and ex-journalist. ‘If the cap fits.’ https://medium.com/@dermotthayes
Go to the profile of Julie Zhuo
Julie Zhuo
Building Sundial (sundial.so). Former Product Design VP @ FB. Author of The Making of a Manager. Find me @joulee. I love people, nuance, and systems.
Go to the profile of July
3 goals: become (extra) ordinary by putting in the (extra) hard work / learn how to write from scratch / share my life experiences to reflect
Go to the profile of Anurag Arya
Anurag Arya
Makes music, writes, thinks, learns.
Go to the profile of Joan Evans
Joan Evans
Teacher Librarian, WEMTA Professional of the year 2015, Walker, Water lover, Thinker, Musical Theater enthusiast
Go to the profile of Christine Salkin Davis
Christine Salkin Davis
I write a blog called "Focail do a Chara," a compilation of arts-based, poetic, and narrative thoughts on living and dying, caring and being.
Go to the profile of Valerie Hilal
Valerie Hilal
Telling tales
Go to the profile of Sean Fogler
Sean Fogler
Physician in long-term recovery | Writer | Mental Health & Addiction Activist | Harm Reduction Champion | Connection is the answer | www.seanfogler.com
Go to the profile of Pierre Gaspard
Pierre Gaspard
Journalist and Poet from Mississippi
Go to the profile of Carrie Murphy
Go to the profile of Morgan Olson
Morgan Olson
Writer. Poet. Romantic. I am no Lorax, I only speak for me
Go to the profile of Christian Edwards
Christian Edwards
‘Internet📱 Driven Creative’ living in the 21st century renaissance 🙂 www.christianedwardsdesign.com
Go to the profile of Mela Blust
Mela Blust
poet. mother. lover. human. http://www.melablust.com
Go to the profile of Adrian Graham
Adrian Graham
Happy wife to @jordangrahamnb, teacher at #CNBA, life enthusiast, make-the-day-brighter-er.
Go to the profile of Kathy Jacobs
Kathy Jacobs
💚POMpoet💚 Former software tester, still breaking things. Social Media geek. Former OneNote MVP. Phoenix Mercury fan. Green Bay Packer fan.
Go to the profile of Tasneem Kagalwalla
Tasneem Kagalwalla
Life Strategist. Trainer. Speaker. Author ~ you are everything you choose to be ~ www.tasneemkagalwalla.com
Go to the profile of Zarina Dara 🥀💃🏻
Zarina Dara 🥀💃🏻
sneaking poetry into the corners of the day, and telling stories to myself in grasp of sanity.
Go to the profile of Nolan Saltzman, Ph.D
Nolan Saltzman, Ph.D
I make coffee & grow hair. Psychotherapist. Lecturer, Evolution, Molecular Biology. Author. Love classical music, chess. http://www.TheGoodScream.com
Go to the profile of Katie Mitchell
Katie Mitchell
southern girl dreamer, writer, actress, calamity-mom, prefer vodka, podcast co-host of If it’s Not 1 Thing, it’s Your Mother www.ifitsnot1thingitsyourmother.com
Go to the profile of Afshana Diya
Afshana Diya
CMO @ WPDeveloper | Community Organzier | Traveler 🌎
Go to the profile of Eric Griggs
Eric Griggs
Juxtaposeur, technical analyst, process engineer, poet wordsmith, INTJ, Anansi, MBTI certified practitioner & team-builder, certifiable fabulist & Uppity Queer™
Go to the profile of D. Wyn Price
D. Wyn Price
Poet, published writer, artist Native to NC, enjoying coastal living. Decent human being. Grateful. Dwindsorprice@yahoo.com Windsorstudios@wordpress.com
Go to the profile of Jaya Prakash A
Jaya Prakash A
A kindred soul from a random edge of the world. Crafting Poetry for pleasure. Writing stories cause can't live forever with them in my head. OneGreatFantasy.com
Go to the profile of Divina Grey
Divina Grey
Mom 💕| Writer ✍ | Musician 🤘🎸| CNA 💜 | Sporty Spice 🏋️‍♀️🚵‍♀️ | Free Spirit ✌🏳️‍🌈 | Coffee Connoisseur ☕ | divinasrelease@gmail.com 💻📧
Go to the profile of I’m tired.
I’m tired.
& perpetually nervous.
Go to the profile of Amanda Pieper
Amanda Pieper
Farm Life Writer
Go to the profile of Andy Smallman
Andy Smallman
I work to promote ordinary activities that awaken kindness, helping people connect to their true nature and increase peace in the world (andysmallman.com).
Go to the profile of BlytheWood
Mum to teen transgender son, organic gardener, herb enthusiast, reader, writer and all-round knowledge-sponge, lover of black cats.
Go to the profile of Aman bhanot
Aman bhanot
Go to the profile of Natasha Kurien
Natasha Kurien
On the road to self discovery-looking to make peace with the past, present and future. Living to learn and learning to live.
Go to the profile of Osama Mehmood
Osama Mehmood
''Man gets used to everything, the scoundrel!'' (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
Go to the profile of Blue Fences
Blue Fences
Depression of The Arts
Go to the profile of Anna Rozwadowska
Anna Rozwadowska
Owner, Editor of Storymaker, Hallow Literary, Literally Literary. Top Writer in Poetry. Writer, photographer, psychic, medium, and spiritual guide. M.A., Ph.D.
Go to the profile of Austin Briggman
Austin Briggman
king of dragonflies
Go to the profile of L.A. Mack
L.A. Mack
Looking to put up raw material here as much as I can going forward and connecting w/yall. Drop a line and thank you for reading.
Go to the profile of Charlotte Gébert
Charlotte Gébert
Writer and poet. Publications ⤵️ https://msha.ke/shewritesoceans
Go to the profile of Ivana Paparizou
Ivana Paparizou
I write for the purpose of personal and collective healing.
Go to the profile of Pablo Pereyra
Pablo Pereyra
Finding inspiration in movement. Searching for identity.
Go to the profile of Hugh Rogovy
Hugh Rogovy
Muser, amuser… sometime writer -> Find me @ ‘the local Bar & Grill.’ –– #Fiction #ShortStories #CNF
Go to the profile of Pratik Routray
Pratik Routray
poet,writer and haiku addict,my goal:to leave behind a collection of memories through my various works, which will endure long after I have vanished from earth!
Go to the profile of Nisha Mody
Nisha Mody
Writer. Feminist Healing Coach. Librarian. Cat Mom. I write about healing & justice. Read more at thehealinghype.com and hear me on my podcast, MigrAsians.
Go to the profile of an amygdala
an amygdala
You Are Your Own, a curated collection of my feminist poems is available on Amazon & Free via Kindle Select: https://rb.gy/ncz77r
Go to the profile of James Dargan
James Dargan
Author & futurist writing about quantum computers, AI, crypto/blockchain. Journalist @ thequantumdaily.com Read my fiction on Amazon or jamesdargan.com
Go to the profile of Lukasz Yoder
Lukasz Yoder
Musician, dreamer. LukaszYoder.com
Go to the profile of Tempest
Advanced herbalist and cannabis med student. Twisted, patchworked, & chronically ill. Writer. Artist. Introvert. Queer.
Go to the profile of Harry Hogg
Harry Hogg
Ex Greenpeace, writing since a teenager. Will be writing ‘Lori Tales’ exclusively for JK Talla Publishing in the Spring of 2024
Go to the profile of Kyle Morgan
Kyle Morgan
I write and stuff. I published some fiction on Kindle over the last few years and I make a little money off of that. It was a pen name and NO you can’t read it.
Go to the profile of AK (Aaska Aejaz)
AK (Aaska Aejaz)
Determined, Discoverer, Researcher, Achiever, Ist priority is humanity, Words are my life, Love is my attitude, I’m a peacemaker, and brave enough for helping!
Go to the profile of Shruti Sinha
Shruti Sinha
Author of “Integration:Perspectives of A Naturalized Citizen”.
Go to the profile of Wendell McQuary
Wendell McQuary
Traveler, Freelancer,Blogger, Rookie Poet, Word Juggler,Austinite,Cozumeleno
Go to the profile of Eli Hesinagh
Go to the profile of Michael Stein
Michael Stein
Explorer, Storyteller, Creative, Photographer, and Southern Californian
Go to the profile of Life Snapshots
Life Snapshots
for the main current of poetry that flows through all things
Go to the profile of Jasmine Poulton
Jasmine Poulton
English poet, writer and actress based in Los Angeles. Founder and editor of “Sundays” Journal. ~Perpetually speaking metaphorically~
Go to the profile of Jay Willick
Jay Willick
The New Thought Guy
Go to the profile of Mike Meyer
Mike Meyer
Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Sébastien F. Dejean
Sébastien F. Dejean
Writes occasional good poetry.
Go to the profile of Delilah Brass
Delilah Brass
“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” — Winston Churchill
Go to the profile of Gila Nehemia
Gila Nehemia
Divine Intuitive Healer whose words guide people to heal chronic traumatic wounds to live a divine, erotic life. Get my book, gilanehemia.com/surreallove
Go to the profile of Jbwrites
Go to the profile of Kristen Haveman
Kristen Haveman
Digital Marketing Manager with Symposia Labs. Travel lover. Cat enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Warren Chris Bulime
Warren Chris Bulime
Co-Founder of http://www.warrenchrisbulime.com and Solutiobox. I help brands grow in the area of Digital Marketing and Communications. I love writing.
Go to the profile of Ben Human
Go to the profile of Cathy Joseph
Go to the profile of Tijjani Jibril
Tijjani Jibril
I try my very best to share every little thing I have learned or will learn that I believe will be of value—and also tie them to my experiences!
Go to the profile of Spyder Darling
Spyder Darling
Born in upstate New York, raised on Long Island, been some places, done some things, currently living in New York City. You got a problem with that?
Go to the profile of TeeJay Small
TeeJay Small
Constructor of load-bearing sentences, contributing writer for Giant Freakin Robot & Blavity brands. Formerly HotNewHipHop & Mashed.
Go to the profile of Amy L. Bernstein
Amy L. Bernstein
I write stories that let you feel and make you think. Fiction, essays, poems. Whatever the moment — or zeitgeist — requires. More at https://amywrites.live.
Go to the profile of Lavender Bixby
Go to the profile of Pammila Stew Ruth
Pammila Stew Ruth
Writer, Mom, Wife. Obsessed with shoes, writing, pens and tea.
Go to the profile of Johanna Haas
Johanna Haas
Freelance writer. Reader, learner, living with a disability, occasional surrealist, Ph.D., J.D. (Ohio State).
Go to the profile of TheWellSeasonedLibrarian
Dean Jones is a Librarian, Cookbook Reviewer, and writer. Dean lives in the SF Bay Area. wellseasonedlibrarian@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Cam
I write a little about a lot of things.
Go to the profile of Jay Giemm
Jay Giemm
Empathy & compassion through the eyes of a Drill Sgt. First Responder, Drill Sergeant, and a National Guard COVID task force member. NY Times contributor.
Go to the profile of Jim Fritzen
Jim Fritzen
The Cost Guy, life observer and proudly apolitical seeking truth in a World that spins.
Go to the profile of Grady Bolding
Grady Bolding
Freelance writer and contributor to Cultured Vultures. Interests include media, film, and politics.
Go to the profile of Sushritha Danturi
Sushritha Danturi
22 | Graduate | Writes-musings, hues| Hufflepuff | Magic and fantasies over reality | A work in progress | Complicated | https://linktr.ee/Sushrithadanturi
Go to the profile of Lisa Dexter
Lisa Dexter
I am a freelance writer from the Chicago area. I have one awesome child, one sweet husband, one clingy cat, and one website: www.thinkingwhiletyping.com.
Go to the profile of Élan Loves Expression
Élan Loves Expression
© Élan-writer || Follow an art admirer || Shop: lan-6.creator-spring.com; Treat: medium.com/gift; Tip: ko-fi.com/luvelan