Gelato Community Update — September 2022

Gelato Dan
Gelato Network
Published in
5 min readOct 5, 2022

Hey Gelato Fam! Welcome back to another Community Update where we let you in on what we’ve been up to at Gelato HQ.

Gelato Relay V2

After months of continuous development, we’re excited to present a fully comprehensive breakdown of Gelato Relay V2 (featured in our Gelato Relay SDK documentation)! This version includes new features such as a range of flexible payment methods for over 17 EVM compatible networks. In combination with Gelato 1Balance — a flexible cross-chain gas tank system, developers can expect a seamless integration experience by having their relaying costs covered on their preferred chain.

Implementing Meta transactions natively within your protocol allows for a variety of new web3 experiences and presents users with an improved UX. Gone are the days where you’re consecutively confirming Metamask prompts, waiting and hoping that your transaction is validated successfully. Gelato handles the relaying process reliably, quickly and securely in a fully trust-minimized manner.

Developers can rely on Gelato’s battle-tested blockchain infrastructure to improve the security and liveness of your web3 systems. Our infrastructure is designed to handle all adverse Network conditions that can otherwise be tedious to deal with. These may include (but are not limited to): volatile gas spikes, unreliable RPCs, network congestion, reorgs, and more.

Not only does this save developers significant time and resources, it also provides them with a sense of relief by further decentralizing their protocols operations by allowing Gelato’s leading automation infrastructure to handle the complexities that arise when otherwise building and maintaining these systems yourself. Nobody likes to be their own central point of failure within web3!

September Performance Recap

In September, 241,273 transactions were executed by Gelato — bringing the total transaction count up to 3.18 million. In comparison to August, transaction count decreased by 5.4%.

⚙️ Gelato Ops

In September, Gelato added 185,540 new transactions to the Ops transaction count and surpassed the 1 million transactions mark. To date, 1.1 million transactions have been automatically executed by Gelato Ops.

Reminder: Support for Kovan and Ropsten has now been entirely deprecated, we are also deprecating Rinkeby on October 7th.

If you were using one of these networks, please ensure that you moved your projects to Goerli before the deadline.

🎯 Integrations Spotlight

Gelato Ecosystem — September 2022
  • Midas Capital leverages Gelato’s automation for regular TWAP calls ensuring their protocol operations run 100% reliably with accurate price feeds at all times.

“Gelato Ops is enabling us to maintain our TWAPs up-to-date with close to zero overhead. We managed to switch from a homegrown set of bots running on AWS to Gelato in a matter of days, resulting in vastly reduced costs & maintenance overhead. With the integrated Wallet Notification service, now we only need to make sure to fund specific accounts, rather than managing a set of full-on web2 services “ mazzafish @ Midas Capital

  • Ankr is currently using Gelato to automate a variety of different tasks which include programmatically swapping between Ankr fixed assets for other forms of tokens based on pre specified protocol conditions.
  • Based Finance has integrated Gelato to automate their protocols seigniorage mechanism alongside UNIV2 oracle price feeds. Gelato bots automatically execute the seigniorage function periodically, ensuring stability of the token supply via regular rebalances.
  • NFT Finance is a prediction market that introduces a gamified lottery system, done transparently and entirely verifiably on-chain. To achieve true randomness, so that every player has a fair and equal chance of winning, NFT Finance has utilized Gelato Ops to programmatically call the getRandomNumber function, which ensures that winners are automatically drawn at random. Protocols and Gaming Platforms that require a need for generating and consuming randomness can easily create tasks on Gelato for all of their automation needs.


  • Learn how to automate randomness by using Gelato in conjunction with Witnet, API3, and Chainlink VRF in an article from Javier Donoso
  • We attended ETHWarsaw and dropped some alpha about how to leverage off-chain computation in your Dapps
  • We were at Dappcon, ETHBerlin, and plenty of side-events and afterparties in Berlin this month. Check out Co-Founder & Legendary Member Hilmar Orth’s “What does the future of finance look like?” panel at Polygon’s Berlin Day
  • We are hiring! Check out all open positions and apply for Legendary Member status:
Hilmar on the Centrifuge panel to discuss the pillars of the next financial system in Berlin
The sweetest booth at Dappcon Berlin

We’ll be attending Devcon & ETHLisbon, so keep an eye out for us in Bogotá and Lisbon!

🛠 Developer Resources

About Gelato Network

Gelato Network enables developers to automate & relay arbitrary smart contract executions on and across all EVM-based compatible blockchains such as Ethereum.

Our goal is to provide developers with a reliable, scalable & decentralized network to which they can outsource all web3-related DevOps.

Examples of which features are powered by Gelato include:

  • Limit Orders on PancakeSwap
  • Periodically updating debt ceilings on MakerDAO
  • Offering users gasless token claims on Connext
  • Automatically compounding yield farming vaults on Beefy Finance
  • Automating the breeding of new digital racehorse NFTs on ZED RUN

Check out what we’ve been working on at

Automate your smart contracts at

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