2019.09| Genaro Network (GNX) Monthly Technical Report — September

Public chain layer

· Quickly redeem GNX service design across the chain. Under concurrent conditions, the design and development of the service transaction interface has been completed.

· Process implementation steps for fast cross-chain conversion to GNX:

1. User initiates coin exchange process

2. After the user mentions the exchange currency receiving address, the address relationship of the fast currency exchange is established.

3. The user sets the amount of currency exchange and determines the exchange rate

4. The system generates a receiving address and waits for the transfer to receive

5. The user completes the transfer and waits for the system to confirm

6. The system confirms that the reception is successful and transfers the redeemed GNX to the user account.

7. The user receives the GNX, the redemption is completed, and the status of the exchange currency transaction is checked.

· The public chain code scheduling module updates, fixed code usage issues, and optimized load balancing capabilities.

· Quickly redeem GNX, get GNX quickly via one-stop solution, and map accounts can be automatically generated (anti-malware)

· Fabric project related research, research on the cross-chain docking method between fabric alliance chain and Genaro public chain.

· Quorum project research, preliminary design of the cross-chain docking method between quorum alliance chain and Genaro public chain.

· The basic maintenance of the public chain operations, the operation of the public chain is maintained, and the implementation of the related mirror is updated to ensure the smoothness for the user.

Storage layer

· The design of the libgenaro 2.0 version is completed.

· libgenaro 2.0 completed the construction of the basic framework and completed some of the interface functions.

· libgenaro2.0 completed part of the http communication interface.

· Modified the communication protocol between libgenaro and Bridge.

· Updated libgenaro and Bridge interfaces to complement Bridge 2.0 upgrades.

· Modified the communication protocol between libgenaro and Farmer.

· Updated libgenaro and Farmer’s interface to work with Farmer2.0’s upgrade.

· libgenaro2.0 completed the python implementation of the test server that supports breakpoints, and implements self-organizing tests and feedback.

· libgenaro2.0 optimized the upload interface, added the implementation of upload encryption to the options, and expelled other unnecessary extra calculations.

· The interface improved the conditions for fast upload. If yes, upload it directly, otherwise it will not be encrypted.

Bridge V2.0 section

· The implementation of the farmer heartbeat function. The farmer proves online through the heartbeat, within every heartbeat, the bridge communicates instructions to the farmer, such as the mirror command and the audit command.

· mirror After the user successfully uploads the file, the bridge picks n farmers for each shard and tells the farmers to copy the shard at the next heartbeat. After the mirror, a total of n+1 farmers hold the same shard.

· audit is an inspection mechanism used to verify that a fragment held by a farmer is missing or corrupted.

· Heartbeat and audit provide the necessary basis for the farmer’s scoring mechanism to ensure that the backup of the fragments can be supplemented in time by the mirror if necessary, which together ensure the reliability of the whole network.

· Same as mirror, audit also sends instructions to the farmer via heartbeat.

X-pool mining section

· Completed the relevant interface of the mining pool

1. Mining pool miners export information pages and interfaces.

2. The miner application for an increase in the margin page and process interface.

3. The mining pool application for mining pages and interfaces.

4. The mining pool application for the cash withdrawal page and the process interface.

5. The mining pool application for the end of the mining page and interface.

6. The mining pool application for withdrawal of the margin page and process interface.

· Organized and improved the relevant documents of the public chain API.

· Optimized mining logic and related back-end engineering logic, making it easier to use, and miners experience mining in three steps.

In 2019, Genaro’s exploration and innovation in technology never stopped. The public chain, the alliance chain, the storage, the mining pool, and the broad product line awaiting excellent technical developers to start from the trial and join the community to exchange ideas with the Genaro team. More development progress will follow via official channels of Genaro Network.

Breaking News: The first edition of the GSIOP protocol is officially released

On February 20, 2019, Singapore time, Genaro Network, the world’s first smart data ecosystem with a Dual-Strata Architecture, integrating a public blockchain with decentralized storage officially released the first version of the GSIOP protocol. This is not only the product of nearly a year hard work of the Genaro entire team of engineers, but it also marks Genaro’s new milestone in the practical application of cross-chain technology.

Breaking News: G.A.O. (Genaro Alpha One) is officially launched

Genaro Network, the future of Smart Data Ecosystem for DApps, invites you to witness the new era of smart data, empowered by the revolutionary serverless interactive system!

Recommended reading: Genaro public network mainnet officially launched | Community Guide

Download Technical Yellow Paper

Genaro’s latest versions, Genaro Eden and Genaro Eden Sharer, will allow you to store your files in a more secure way and share your unused storage to earn GNX.

Get your Genaro Eden/Sharer for Linux, Windows and MAC OS right now from the official website:

Git source repository is on GitHub>>


Warm reminder to our community members, please download Genaro Eden ONLY from our official website/GitHub and DO NOT trust any referral links and reposts from anyone, otherwise, we won’t be able to guarantee privacy and security of your data and protect you from scammers.

Genaro Eden — The first decentralized application on the Genaro Network, providing everyone with a trustworthy Internet and a sharing community:

Related Publications:

Genaro’s Core Product Concept

Genaro Eden: Five Core Features

How Does Genaro’s Technology Stand Out?

Genaro Eden Application Scenarios and User Experience

The Genaro Ecosystem

Matthew Roszak Comments on Release of Genaro Eden

About Genaro Network

The Genaro Network is the first smart data ecosystem with a Dual-Strata Architecture, integrating a public blockchain with decentralized storage. Genaro pioneered the combination of SPoR (Sentinel Proof of Retrievability) with PoS (Proof of Stake) to form a new consensus mechanism, ensuring stronger performance, better security and a more sustainable blockchain infrastructure. Genaro provides developers with a one-stop platform to deploy smart contracts and store the data needed by DAPPs simultaneously. Genaro Network’s mission is to ensure the secure migration of the core Internet infrastructure to the blockchain.

Official Telegram Community: https://t.me/GenaroNetworkOfficial

Telegram Community (Russian): https://t.me/GenaroNetworkOfficial_Rus



Genaro Network (GNX)
Smart Data Ecosystem by Genaro Network

First smart data ecosystem with a Dual-Strata Architecture. See full blog at Smart Data Ecosystem Publication or https://medium.com/genaro-network