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Genus Specious
Genus Specious
History of Logic / Philosophy of Economics
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A Bit More on Marx and Cohen

In the last post I questioned G.A. Cohen’s critique of the Labour Theory of Value, which comes in two parts: (1) the LTV involves a mistaken idea that labour creates value; (2) Marx’s theory of exploitation can be retained without the LTV.

(Part 2) Collingwood’s Revolution in Logic

In a previous post I looked at Collingwood’s attempted revolution in logic and its anti-realist implications. Sam Lebens raised the interesting question of how the proposed revolution in the Autobiography connects with the more radical line pushed in the…

Unpicking the Practical Syllogism

In her essay on Practical Inference, Anscombe argued that practical reasoning is not formally distinct from theoretical reasoning.

The argument is relatively straightforward — relative, that is, to the average Anscombe argument. Suppose we have…