GEO Protocol Annual Report 2018

Dear community!

GEO Protocol
GEO Protocol
4 min readDec 28, 2018


We are glad that you were with us in 2018. This year we have made a big step in the development of our technology and in the building the GEO Protocol team.

“We are happy that in 2018 our team grew up to fifteen highly motivated members who all are great professionals in their respective fields.”

Max Demyan, CEO at GEO Protocol

Max Demyan

We are on our way to release the Beta version of our technology soon. We are planning to publish the downloadable version in our GitHub.

“Isaac Newton is often credited with saying: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” Whatever who really said that we in the project team feel that such a view is worth to be repeated. Today, the whole crypto community serves as a giant for us: we moved together to the new horizons and in the best traditions of decentralized approaches, we served as giants for each other. It’s great to be a part of one big team of advanced thinkers and visionaries, people who deeply believe in the value of uniting around common ideas. We in the GEO Protocol believe that a decent goal for the entire community in 2019 is to become a giant for the world!”

Dima Chizhevsky, Chief Architect at GEO Protocol

Dima Chizhevsky

This was possible because we began to cooperate with InCrypto so close that we, in fact, became the united team. Thus, we have become stronger in marketing and business development.

“As a blockchain consulting company InCrypto was already very strong. But our close cooperation with the GEO project boosted our expertise significantly by adding more strong team members, as well as improving skills of the existing ones.”

Dima Kovalchuk, CBDO at GEO Protocol, CEO at InCrypto

Dima Kovalchuk

We are glad to see how our community starts to grow. Partially that was a result of our participation in the conferences and our team members’ speeches on the topics relevant to the whole crypto world. This year the GEO team visited Devcon, WebSummit, Cyberc0n, and other tech events, where we have had memorable and productive meetings with the best representatives of the industry. We even won some prizes

The GEO team wishes you a decentralized Christmas and a crypto New Year!

May all of your dreams come true in 2019!

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GEO Protocol
GEO Protocol

Creating a universal ecosystem for value transfer networks