Across The Waters

The journey of finding my way home.

Froyle Davies
George St Gallery


Across The Waters, acrylic on linen, 61 x 61cm (photo by author)

When I returned home to New Zealand, I was researching the ancestor's journey across the waters from their original homeland. They set out on their waka (canoe), being guided by the stars, in search of new land and a new life.

It would have taken such courage and strength, to launch out with their families into the unknown. This is how I felt, having packed up all that I had and leaving all that I knew behind, to venture home to a land I knew nothing about. It is both exciting and scary, but I felt compelled to take the journey.

Across The Waters, insitu (photo by author)

We all have the desire to be known and to find where we belong. My journey in finding my way home to New Zealand is not just a tale about discovering family and place of origin, but it is about the discovery of self.

This painting is an expression of hope, the excitement of a new season. Multiple layers of acrylic paint with elements of collage and metallic inks on linen.

Each new dawn enables us to embrace new knowledge, to be inspired by the possibilities that rise in front of us.



Froyle Davies
George St Gallery

Art, Creativity, and Inspiration. Stories to encourage you. Visual artist and hostel manager, living in New Zealand.